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Rogers’ Burial Process


Rogers’ Burial Process is initiated when a customer is experiencing degraded signal from their existing cable feed to their property.


After exhausting all troubleshooting steps to correct or improve the signal, and only as a last resort, the field technician will install a temporary cable to or from the “green box” (Pedestal). This is so we can provide continued services until a permanent line is buried. Usually, a pending burial is completed within a 6-8 week timeframe after being assigned to a crew. If a pedestal is not available the technician will connect to the neighbour’s CSE (Customer Service Enclosure) box. All subject to neighbour’s approval. If there are no other options available to install a temporary line, the field technician will request the burial to be rushed.


To bury the cable line successfully, City permits and locates are required which are obtained by either the contractor assigned to the order or Rogers depending on the municipality i.e. In Toronto, Rogers will request for the City permits on behalf of the contractor.


Replacing a damaged buried cable or a temporary cable line (if applicable) in a new Housing construction/development area will be a delayed until all constructions have been completed. Running a cable through an existing conduit is an option but subject to clear access without blockage.


How will I be notified about a temporary cable that was installed at my home? Will my neighbor(s) be notified about the temporary line and the burial if it requires access to their property?


Drop Cards are left at the home to notify the homeowner of the burial process and to explain that a temporary cable line has been installed and that a burial will need to be completed to fix issues with the affected services.


Yes. Neighbour Drop Cards are also left at any neighbouring homes involved in the process.


                                      Examples of Customer Drop Card and Neighbour Drop Card    

       Burial1.jpg  Burial2.jpg   


Scenarios which qualify customer’s home for a burial assessment


  • Constant poor signal for all cable services
  • Low hanging cable on the property posing security risk
  • Cable hanging below-required height for passing vehicles (8ft)
  • Exposed cable on the sidewalk or lawn presenting a trip hazard
  • A temporary cable was installed 6 months ago and not buried yet
  • Exposed cable line running between your property and your neighbor’s property

When is the Burial Season?


The burial season can open as early as the beginning of spring and last as long as late fall, however, this can vary greatly depending on the Region and Weather.


How can I create a burial order?


Burial orders are typically created by technician referrals only. However, if you suspect your buried line to be damaged, please call technical support at 1-888-ROGERS1 and request that a technician be scheduled to assess the issue. If required the Rogers’ technician will create a referral for burial.


When will my pending burial be completed?


Rogers makes every effort to complete all burials as quickly as possible, however, Utility locate requirements do take time to acquire, weather conditions can also delay the process. All burials will be completed in priority sequence starting with the pending orders from the previous year. Once a burial is assigned to a crew it will roughly take 6-8 weeks for completion.


Why does the burial take 6-8 weeks (or more) to be completed?


The burial process can be a lengthy process. In order to ensure that the cable line is buried properly and safely, the proper permits must be obtained from the City and the locates from Ontario One. However, the permits and locates can only requested only when the burial season is open and the order is assigned to a contractor.


How do I check the status of my burial?


You can visit our burial portal, to learn more and ask our virtual assistant Anna about the status of your order.


What happens to my burial order when the season is over?


During the late fall and early spring, the ground will be frozen and we will be unable to dig. Your burial will be prioritized for the next burial season and we will complete the burial in a priority sequence. Rest assured that the order will not be removed from your account or our systems.


                                                                                         Burial FAQ(s)


What is a permit and why is it required?


Permits are requested either by Rogers or the contractor assigned which is obtained from the City and is required by Law for any digging on the boulevard (City Property).


Turnaround for Permits Requested by the City:

Permit turnaround 3 - 5 business days


What is a Utility Locate and why is it required?


Contractors send the applications to Ontario One which assigns them to the various locators. This is required by the Utilities for safety concerns to avoid cutting into or breaking, gas, water, phone lines etc. Turnaround is about 2-4weeks


Why did the Technician connect my cable line to the “green box” (Pedestal) instead of fixing or burying the line?


The best (temporary) solution to provide continued services is to connect a temporary line to the Pedestal until the burial can be completed. Due to city requirements, a technician cannot bury a cable line as it requires permits and locates to dig.


The two most common types of Pedestals you may see are the short green above ground Pedestals and the Flush to Grade in-ground. These Pedestals contain a “Tap” where the cable will be connected.


Example of a Pedestal and Exposed Tap




Flush to Grade Pedestal



Does the entire buried Cable line need to be replaced?


In certain situations, the entire cable may not need to be replaced. If the crew is able to locate the fault they can avoid doing a Full Replacement and potentially fix the issue with either a Partial or Spot replacement. A partial or Spot replacement will still require permits and locates from the City.


Full Replacement




Partial Replacement



Spot Replacement



My burial has been pending for “X” amount of time, is there any way it can be placed on priority?


A burial order is always completed in priority sequence and when the crew has the necessary permits and locates to begin digging. A burial order that has been pending for an extremely long time can be a candidate to be placed on priority; however, this is also subject to unforeseen circumstances such as being on hold due to construction or in newly developed areas. In order to avoid the buried line being cut or damaged again, construction in the area will have to be completed first.


Additional Information:


My cable line is not safe, what can be done to address it?


If the temporary cable line poses any a safety issues to yourself or the community, please call us at 1-888-ROGERS1 so our technical support team can schedule a technician to address the issue.


My cable was snapped/broken resulting in a loss of all my cable services, what can be done to get my services back?


If the temporary cable line was broken or snapped for any reason at all, please call us at 1-888-ROGERS1 so our technical support team can schedule a technician to address the issue.


Will my property/landscaping be restored back to its original condition after the burial is completed and what do I do if it is not?


We ensure that the burial crew will return your landscaping back to its original condition after burying the cable line. In the odd chance, your property was damaged or landscaping is not back to original condition, please call us at 

1-888-ROGERS1 to speak with our technical support team. Keep in mind, burials involving replacing the sod or planting seeds will require regular maintenance by the homeowner to ensure proper restoration and growth of the area affected.


I am connected to my neighbours CSE (Customer Service Enclosure) via temporary cable; will my services be impacted as a result of this?


Your services will not be affected by a temporary cable from a neighbouring home to provide you with continued services. The connection will be separate from your neighbour and in turn their services will remain unimpacted.


We want to ensure you have proper services and that the temporary line is aesthetically pleasing to both you and your neighbor. Please call us at 1-888-ROGERS1 and speak with our technical support team to see if the line can be relocated.


My neighbour is connected to my CSE (Customer Service Enclosure) via temporary cable, does this mean my services will not work properly?


Your services will not be affected by connecting a temporary cable to your neighbour to provide them with continued services. The connection will always be separate from your own.


We want to ensure you have proper services and that the temporary line is safe and secure. Before a temporary line can be run we will request permission from both you and your neighbor. Please call us at 1-888-ROGERS1 and speak with our technical support team to see if the line can be relocated.


I see the cable line exposed on the ground in my lawn, how shall I hide it?


If the temporary cable line coming from the Pedestal to your home is exposed please call us at 1-888-ROGERS1 so our technical support department can schedule a technician to address it. Please do not attempt to hide or alter the cable line yourself.


What do I do if the burial was completed but my services are not working?


It is very rare that your services will not be active after a burial. If the crew is still there, they can inspect it on the spot after you have informed them of any issues you may be having. Sometimes simply rebooting all your equipment will restore services.


Please call us at 1-888-ROGERS1 if the services are still not working so we can troubleshoot the issue and get your services working properly.



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