Decided to write about the situation I am in because Rogers is not capable of handling their own matters and they deserve to be penalized/punished for their lack of customer care/support.
Back in January 2025, I started to experience very high ping which affected my remote connection for working from home, online video games, online poker and stock trading.
Since then, I've had three visits from a technician, specialist and senior technician.
They all did their job and checked what they were assigned for to see if anything from my end was causing problems.
1st visit from technician.
He checked out the rogers wall mount box in my garage. Noticed a splitter which wasn't needed for my house, so he removed it. Ran a few tests then he asked to check the speedtest from my computer which was hardwired. Same results, high upload latency (low as 200ms, high as 1200ms with average around 400ms). His conclusion was that it was an area problem or the cables coming from street could be the issue. There was nothing else he could do from his end so he raised the ticket up to a specialist. Totally fine, he did his job.
2nd visit from specialist.
Great guy, answered all my questions as I was getting fed up with the situation.
He did the same thing as the 1st technician but did extra by finding the correct box in my neighbourhood by digging away snow from all three locations. Eventually we found the correct line and he did some tests and confirmed that there was no problems with the rogers line coming to my house. He had a newer modem/router which didn't resolve the issue. He also said that it may be an area problem so he raised the ticket up to senior technician.
3rd visit from senior technician
Great guy, checked all the things the specialist did and tested a few more methods to confirm exactly what the problem was.
We directly connected his test modem/router from the garage and confirmed that there was no issues as upload latency was steady at 5ms. This made us believe my older modem and new modem were somehow faulty and was causing the problem. We switched the modem again and still had issues.
New modems didn't resolve the issue so he was leaning towards the idea that my internal cable (white line that is the homeowner's responsibility) was problematic. Told me I had two options. One, he could drill holes from garage into my main entrance and drag line up to where my modem is which was on the 3rd floor, leaving a 50ft cable in the open. Two, I call an electrician to have them fish out the old line and replace with new line. I wasn't really happy with either options so I asked can we make sure that the internal line is the problem before making this big decision. So we checked by directly connecting from garage to my modem (he had a 500ft cable box which is used for these scenarios), but that didn't resolve the issue.
He was pretty stomped at this point as we both were looking at 5ms upload latency when checking via his laptop in garage with his test modem.
Finally, we decide to connect his test modem to my computer and voila, problem is solved. upload latency was showing 5ms from his test modem which was placed right next my modem. His conclusion, some type of issue was happening with my account from backend IT. He has seen this issue before but it's rare and hard to resolve(?) as someone who knows how to fix it needs to find the issue. This part I don't get at all, it was almost like he was telling me I have to be lucky enough to have the right person from the backend IT team to look at my account issue as not everyone will be able to fix the problem.
After 2 hours, we finally concluded that it was for sure a problem with my account so he called Rogers IT team and let them know what was happening only to hear the otherside say "I don't know what to look for, only thing I can do is reboot the account." They rebooted my account and that didn't help so we created an internal ticket.
Next day I get a call from Rogers automated call saying my ticket created on Feb 25th for "Infinity TV has been resolved" and gave me a completely different ticket number. And of course, upload latency is yet to be fixed, still jumping up to 1200ms and steady around 400ms.
Now I am back to square one and I am not sure what to do.
All these problems got me thinking that just MAYBE they have some blacklist for customers they don't like?
Which I don't understand as I've been a loyal customer for over 10 years now.
I recently called customer service, early January, as I was stunned to see that I was paying 40 dollars more than the promotional deals Rogers was showing. I was actually paying more than advertised even without the promotional offer. Their answer was "this is a promotion for new customers" which blew my mind as in my opinion you should be taking care of your long serving loyal customers just as well as you would with new customers. Anyways, the call was very straight forward and the customer service agent was actually very nice and right away offered the promotional rate, but under a 2 year contract that couldn't be cancelled without penalties under no circumstances (except moving to a location that didn't have rogers internet available).
The high upload latency problem coincides with the timeline of switching my contract.
Is it possible that they are trying to provoke long time customers who ask for new customer promotional deals?
Nothing but the above makes sense to me at this point.... No follow up and I am done with calling technical support to only have another technician come out to repeat the process.
This got a little too long but I hope it reaches the right people to correct Rogers' poor communication and their lack of coordinating between back end IT and technicians.
Please comment if you are experiencing similar issues...