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How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I've been here awhile

I have read several threads on this forum where VOIP does not work with a Hitron CGN3. A solution given involves having SIP/ALG disabled but it is stated that Rogers needs to be contacted to perform this. There are threads that state such assistance would be fee-based and threads that indicate Community experts can help. I have yet to find a thread which states exactly what the 'fix' is. Is this a firmware upgrade?


Regardless, I need to have this disabled as well as placing the ip of the telephone adatper in DMZ is not a secure option. I do not believe I should have to pay for such a service and would perform it myself if I knew what the 'fix' actually was.


Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.




Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

@jsp563 you should also be able to call tech support to disable the SIP/ALG.  Give that a go and let us know if you encounter any problems with tech support.  This was a pay for service "disable" not so very long ago but that has changed and the first line techs should be able to do this now.  By now the memo should have trickled down to the support techs. 

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I have talked to 4 diffrent tech agents and they said we do not deal with VOIP issues and are not trained on it. They also said paid tech service is disabled now so I can not talk to them also whoever have it on their account in past will get it now only. I talked to their manager also and I told him about my issue and he did not disable SIP/ALG rather disabled router part of the CGN3 so now it acts as Modem only and I have my own router attached to it and then my VONAGE and other devices connected to my router. Vonage is working ok but due to external router my wireless speed has gone down from 100MBPS to 10MBPS so all my smart TV etc does not work properly now. 

I saw post here that they can help to disable SIP/ALG.

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

Ok, when the tech supervisor disabled the Residential Gateway function, you should have seen the modem do a reboot into Bridge mode.  Up until that point in time, in Gateway mode, you had a double NAT situation going unless you had the router set to Access Point mode.  Now with the modem in Bridge mode, the router should be in full router mode.


You should restart the router now to allow it to pick up the correct IP address and obtain the necessary IPV6 address data so that the connected devices are given their own IPV6 address, if in fact you have IPV6 enabled in the router. 


You should ensure that you have any port forwarding settings for the VOIP device set and that the SIP/ALG in the router is also disabled.  If you have to set those, do another router reboot, and reboot the VOIP device as well.


The reboots/restarts of the modem and VOIP device should ensure that the router and VOIP device pick up the correct IP addresses and are operational.  That should also solve the speed issue that you are having. 


With the modem in Bridge mode, that disables the vast majority of the modems functions, so, items such as the SIP/ALG setting in the modem are no longer functional.


To log into the modem thru the router, use as a web browser address.  That will take you to the login page.  If you wanted to reset the modem back into Gateway mode, you can use the recessed reset button at the modem.  Hold that down for 30 seconds and the modem will reboot back into Gateway mode with its default settings.  If you log into the modem, and enable the BASIC .... GATEWAY FUNCTION .... Residential Gateway Function, the modem will reboot into Gateway mode with all of its previous settings intact.


Please let us know if this resolves the VOIP and speed issue.

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

Thanks for reply. The router TL-WR1043ND V2 I have does not support IPV6.  I tried going to but it did not me to home page of modem.  

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

That usually works, but, not in all cases.  Usually when that happens you have to specify a routing rule to allow access to that address.  I don't think I've seen anyone with a TP-Link router have that problem before. 


With the router set for Auto Detect or Dynamic IP, when you reboot it, it should pick up an IP address from the modem.  That is normally which I believe is the same as the default address of the router.


If you can't access the modem thru the router, you can simply connect a pc or laptp to one of the other modem ports.  At this point you should only have the router connected.  Plugging in another device such as a pc/laptop will work, at least at this point in time.  The pc/laptop will pick up an IPV4 and IPV6 address.  You can then log into the modem using with the modem still in Bridge mode.  So, that would allow you to check the cable signal levels if necessary or kick the modem back into Bridge mode if you wanted to.


The only caveat with that configuration is that the pc/laptop is relying on its own firewall for protection from outside probing.  So, I advise anyone who does this to only run the configuration for as short a time as possible to carry out a test or log into the modem, and then retreat behind a router firewall, plugging the pc/laptop back into the router.

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I got the SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3 disabled in Gateway Function mode by sending message to 

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I'm assuming at this point that you have the modem running in Gateway mode again?  Please confirm that. 


And is the Vonage phone connected directly to the modem, or do you still have the router connected to the modem and the phone connected to the router?


Two things usually have to happen. 


1.  You normally have to set port forwarding rules so that the signaling and voice data go to the phone; and

2.  You have to disable the SIP/ALG.


Before you set the port forwarding rules, you should use the DHCP reservation function to set a static IP address for the phone.  So, with the phone connected, log into the modem and navigate to BASIC .... LAN setup.  Ust the DHCP Reservation function to set a static IP address.  You can use what the phone is using now, or set a different IP address.  Thats your preference.  When that is done and saved, reboot the modem by using the ADMIN .... DEVICE RESET .... Reboot function. 


After the reboot is complete, you will need to log back in again and set the port forwarding rules as required by the specific model of Vonage Phone.   There should be a list of ports on the phone support page that require forwarding.  In the modem, navigate to BASIC .... PORT FORWARDING.  Enable the function and add one rule for each port number. So, you're going to set a rule that uses the same port number, on the Public side and Private side of the modem, with the protocol as indicated on the Vonage phone support page.  Point that toward the IP address that you have previously assigned to the phone.  When that is all done and saved, reboot the modem again. 


When the reboot is complete, with the ports set and SIP/ALG disabled, your phone should be operational. 


If you have decided to use the router, then the modem should be in Bridge mode and the router should be in full router mode.  Follow the same guidelines as above to set a static IP address for the phone and then assign the ports for forwarding.  Same idea no matter if you use the modem in Gateway mode with a direct connection to the modem, or if you use the router, with all of your networked devices connected to the router. 


When that is all said and done, navigate to ADMIN .... BACKUP.  Use the backup function to create a backup settings file for the modem configuration somewhere on your pc.  You need to do that as the modem will most likely dump the configuration if power to the modem is lost for any reason.  If that's the case, you can log back into the modem, possibly after running a factory reset, browse to the backup file location and restore that file.  After the restore is complete, reboot the modem.  You should be back at square one in 5 minutes or less.


Let us know how this works out, or if you need further help.

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

Yes Modem is working in  Gateway mode again.   SIP/ALG is disabled as per message I got from communityhelps email.

Not sure how to do following. 

"Ust the DHCP Reservation function to set a static IP address.  You can use what the phone is using now, or set a different IP address."

When I go to Basic Setting on Modem -> LAN Setup I see "DHCP Start IP', "DHCP End IP" , 'LAN DHCP Status' that is Enabled currently and hs chioce of Disable and DHCP Reservtion. There is Lease Time set to 1 week now. Will changing that Forever will change IP to Static IP. 

Also you ask to reboot the modem by using the ADMIN .... DEVICE RESET .... Reboot function. Won't it enable the SIP/ALG asI read in post before somone mentioning that everytime modem reboot for some reason SIP/ALG will be enabled back or is it RESET of modem that will enable it back. 


Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

Ok, take note of the DHCP Start and End Ip, as well as the MAC address and IP of the VOIP phone which should be shown on the bottom of the page in the connected devices list.  


Select the DHCP reservation function.  That will bring up a secondary panel that will let you assign a specific IP to the VOIP phone.  I haven't looked at that panel for a while but it should contain an entry window or drop down menu to allow you to select the VOIP phone, probably by MAC address.  Then you can either use the current IP address if you prefer, or choose another address as long as there is no conflict with another device at the present time.  That will change the IP from a dynamic IP which can change whenever the modem reboots or the phone powers up again, to a static IP which will remain the same.  At this point, with the data saved, reboot the modem and power cycle the phone (power off/power on).  If you have assigned a different IP address, after the reboot and phone restart, the phone will or should have the IP address that you assigned. 


Next is to assign the port forwarding rules to the assigned IP address.  For each port number, you will have to create a rule.  I think the modem asks for a rule name.  Use something like phone 1, phone 2, phone 3, etc, etc until all of the ports are entered into their own separate rule.  The Hitron modem won't let you assign port 80 from what I remember.  Thats a common port but it shouldn't make any difference to the phone operation if that port isn't assigned.  With the data saved, reboot the modem.  


As far as the SIP/ALG setting is concerned, as long as the modem has power, that setting should be maintained.  If the modem loses power it will drop the setting.  What you can do, just to ensure that you don't lose the setting, create a backup file before you do the first reboot.  Then make the next series of changes.  Make another backup file, reboot.  Do that all the way to the end.  Every time you create a backup file, it will create one with a (1), (2) appended to the file name, so you know that the later files have the larger number at the end of the name.


 If there was a problem and the SIP/ALG setting was lost, you can simply contact @CommunityHelps and have one of the mods disable it again.  


That requirement to ask tech support or @CommunityHelps will go by the wayside on the next firmware update for the CGN3ACSMR and CGNM-3552 as it is included as a user selectable function.  V4.5.8.27 is being distributed to the trial CGN3ACSMRs at the present time.  I suspect that it shouldn't be very long before a decision is made to distribute that version network wide to all of the CGN3ACSMRs.  If you look at the back of the modem, you will see the product sticker which indicates the model of the modem that you have.  



Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I plan to stick around

SIP Registration issues on multiple accounts


Ever since Rogers changed me from CGN2 to CGN3 modem I cannot seem to get all 4 SIP accounts registered to their servers.

I had this issue with my one and only Broadsoft account about 2 years ago when they gave me a Cisco modem where I could not get that account to work no matter what settings were change so I had to get the CGN2 back.

Bridged Mode - disabled Residential Getaway 

Tried SIP/ALG disabled or for some not the others.


I currently have:

CGN3 modem in bridged mode

DIR-878 Dlink Router


I have these 4 SIP accounts with:






I had these when it worked fine:

CGN2 modem in bridged mode

DIR-655 Dlink Modem


You can see that with the CGN3 not working I went and bought a new modem needlessly.


What is it with the CGN3 and Cisco modems that differs from the CGN2?

Seems to me even thought they are in Bridged mode something is blocking.










Current Mobile: Samsung S8
Current Cable Modem: Rogers Ignite Modem (Gen3) - XB8

Nortel Norstar & BCM Specialist
Dedication level: Same cell number since1988 (Cantel)

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

@something1965, have a look at the English user manual for your router, which can be downloaded here:


Look at the SIP note contained on page 67, within the Firewall settings.  You will have to ensure that the SIP is disabled in the router.  If your modem is in Bridge mode, it will not interfere with the SIP/ALG function of devices connected thru a follow-on router. 


With the CGN3, if you run the modem in Gateway mode, you will have to call tech support to disable the SIP/ALG.  The later CGN3xxxx modems running later version firmware should have a SIP/ALG enable/disable function within the BASIC .... GATEWAY FUNCTION tab.  That tab can only be accessed when the modem is running in Gateway mode.  In Bridge mode the modem should act as a transparent bridge and once again you would have to disable the SIP/ALG in the connected router. 



Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I plan to stick around

Thanks for the reply

My email replies was turned off sorry for long delay.


Per above I had disabled SIP/ALG but in the end I resolved it by having to change a setting on the router to compensate the modem change, been too long so I forget which setting.....maybe UPnP but that and ALL firewall advanced settings are now turned Off.




Current Mobile: Samsung S8
Current Cable Modem: Rogers Ignite Modem (Gen3) - XB8

Nortel Norstar & BCM Specialist
Dedication level: Same cell number since1988 (Cantel)

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I've been here awhile

I see the note below in various replies about this topic, but nowhere do I see what steps @CommunityHelps recommends to resolve this issue. How do I disable SIP/ALG? Thank you


**Edit** As of August 1st 2016 please contact @CommunityHelps for assistance with disabling SIP/ALG on your Rogers modem.

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

@hannajTO log into the modem and navigate to BASIC .... GATEWAY FUNCTION.  If the firmware has been updated to include it, you should see a SIP ALG enable/disable function at the bottom of the list.  While you're there, I'd also disable UPNP as well, unless you know that you want it for gaming purposes.


If the SIP/ALG is not on that page, then it will be time to contact tech support to disable it. 

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I've been around
What about the new ignite modem (black colour)

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I plan to stick around

Try Advanced/Options

Current Mobile: Samsung S8
Current Cable Modem: Rogers Ignite Modem (Gen3) - XB8

Nortel Norstar & BCM Specialist
Dedication level: Same cell number since1988 (Cantel)

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I've been here awhile

Has anyone been able to install a working SIP phone using the Hitron CGN3 router without using it in Bridge mode?



Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I plan to stick around

Your question has nothing to do with this topic.

"How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3"


If possible, please start a new thread, thanks.







Current Mobile: Samsung S8
Current Cable Modem: Rogers Ignite Modem (Gen3) - XB8

Nortel Norstar & BCM Specialist
Dedication level: Same cell number since1988 (Cantel)

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I've been here awhile

Actually, I thought this was the right thread to post my question. The very first post, and most of the others, relate to methods of disabling the SIP/ALG in order to use their SIP devices. I see lots of suggestions to disable the function, I'm just curious to know if anyone actually accomplished what they were trying to do by disabling.


If this is still viewed as not the appropriate thread, then I will post new one.


tnx ... tfc

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I plan to stick around

"The very first post, and most of the others, relate to methods of disabling the SIP/ALG"

Correct, but it seems you want to troubleshoot an issue with your SIP not working properly?


No details were provided, just a yes or no question... so I will assume you indeed have an issue and that you have  disabled SIP/ALG (based on you reading the posts) and that since you are not in Bridged mode you do not have another router in play.


The quick answer to your question if that's all you actually wanted is "yes " but as said many times you have to disable SIP/ALG and all is good!


The long answer...

You have 2 choices

-Pay Rogers to unlock a feature (SIP/ALG) 

-Configure your network with a modem (an ISP's Modem/Router that is in Bridged Mode) and a Router of your choice. This setup is typical of most business's.


Tip for the latter:

My setup is as follows in case it helps you or others

- 1X -Rogers CNG3 Modem/Router (in Bridged Mode)

- 2X -Dlink 878 (one setup as a Router and the other as an Access Point)

- DD-WRT Firmware (optional) on both Dlinks 


DD-WRT Firmware is more powerful then most default firmware's on basic routers.

It extends the life of your router.

DD-WRT website has a list of compatible routers 

2 files required - You upgrade to it's firmware then follow-up with  an update.


I now have 6 SIP accounts with 6 different carriers around the world and all works flawlessly.


Note from Rogers:

Our frontline technical support staff recognize the request to disable/enable SIG/ALG settings as being related to VoIP service, which is something that falls outside of their scope of support; and that is why they refer our customers to TechXpert, where we deal with non-Rogers technical inquires. 


Another reason customers are directed to contact TechXpert for VoIP related inquiries, is because we can provide additional assistance with the VoIP products if required, where our frontline technical support would not be able to provide this level of support.




Hope that somewhat helps


Current Mobile: Samsung S8
Current Cable Modem: Rogers Ignite Modem (Gen3) - XB8

Nortel Norstar & BCM Specialist
Dedication level: Same cell number since1988 (Cantel)

Re: How to disable SIP/ALG on Hitron CGN3

I've been here awhile

Your "long version" answer is very helpful. My CGN3 has an en/disable button for SIP/ALG but it still doesn't allow my SIP phone to register. I will follow your recommendation regarding the bridge. Interestingly, my public telephone service provider (FreePhoneLine) has figured out a workaround to the Hitron issue using a custom server and port 6060. The other service I am trying to connect with (HamShack Hotline) is not flexible - this is why I will need the bridge configuration.


I have used DD-WRT before but it was with an old WRT54GL. I hadn't thought of using it a newer model router. I also like the idea of 2 routers attached to the bridge. 


Again, thank you for your guidance ... tfc



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