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How do I get my Ignite Home Phone number added to 411?

I've been here awhile

Hi everyone!

So, I just want to start by saying that I work from Home (I'm an Accountant and alot of my work involves coordination and referrals with Organizations and Individuals with Disabilities, Seniors, and other clients who may not have their own or limited internet access, and so lot's of calling back and forth, faxing, and referrals go on).


I know this might seem minor to many people -but the inability for my clients to find my Name, Contact, or even reverse my number is causing great problems for me and my clients.


Especially aftee the trouble I went through just getting my Rogers installed!

(Long story short, I was wasted a trip, and 2 hours at a Rogers Store after being given a reference number by a Rogers Phone Rep, and being told "Because the techs are only doing self-installs, you can just pick up the modem from the Rogers Store with your ID & ref. # and pick it up sooner".


Nope! Not only was the phone rep wrong - or confused (they don't have Ignite at the store, but I guess my Business Line they could?).. 

Anyway, after the mixup, the Rogers Store told me they'd get me set up with my Business Account and send a work order since I was there.


(My previous ISP was having Network Outages that left me without internet for over two weeks, so I had no internet at home, I needed something reliable for my business and I just needed working internet and a phone at my house, whatever package or price)


What brings me to the end of the Rogers Set up Fiasco was that after showing my ID, HST Number, Birth Certificate and even my Rogers Mastercard (which were all fine and dandy)

I was told by the next person after nearly 2 hours of


-Setting up a business account order (that was supposed to be done over the phone?)

being told their computer was down and they couldn't do Business Orders today! Come back Tomorrow  (*After Wasting Time verifying everything and setting that account up, the system was just down*)


-Deciding I'll just go with a Residential Account - since I was told I can port my current number to Rogers and can use my fax machine since there's 2 ports.


Anyway she was getting that ready to go through and suddenly asked me if I had any other ID (This was Saturday,  My license (which was still valid due to COVID anyway) expired on the next Monday, which apparently meant it was invalid "because of the next business day"


Crazy! I literally couldn't renew my licence at the time - and it would have taken over a month.

I wasn't lending or taking equipment, like a cell phone. And even though I literally had my Business Tax, Then-Valid Licence, 



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Re: How do I get my Ignite Home Phone number added to 411?


Hello @ArgentiD1,


Thanks so much for posting your Ignite home phone concerns here in the Rogers community forums and congrats on this being your first post. I'm sorry to hear that your recent experience in setting up your services hasn't gone as smoothly as we would have liked. ☹️


We'd just like to clarify a few things to ensure we are on the same page. It sounds to me like your main issue is to do with your home phone number not being listed in the Canada 411 directory, is this correct? If you’re a new customer, the directory listing is automatically set to have your number listed unless you request for it to be unlisted. The listing should be added within 48 hours once your installation is complete. Do you recall if you had requested to have your number unlisted at any point during the set-up process?


We can have a closer look at our end to ensure your service is set up correctly! If possible, please send us a private message to @CommunityHelps to get started. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, please check out our blog.


Thank you!


Re: How do I get my Ignite Home Phone number added to 411?

I've been here awhile

Thanks for getting back to me.


Yes, my issue is with my number not being listed. 


No, I did not ask for it to be Unlisted, I was never asked if I wanted it Unlisted -

Actually the opposite. When I was told I had to get a new number (instead of porting my old one)

All that was mentioned was that the new number would be updated to the 411 directory, with my Rogers Account info, (Name, address for 911 too.)


I called Rogers to ask a few mlnths ago - and was told my number was listed.

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