07-06-2023 01:26 PM - edited 05-26-2024 04:06 PM
@RogersYan - Community Manager
Favourite Drink: Craft beer
Favourite Food: Burgers or anything made on a smoker
Favourite Animal: Dogs and Octopus (weird I know)
Favourite Movie/TV Show: Movie – Snatch, TV show – Sherlock
Dream or Best Vacation: Croatia, Sweden, Norway
@RogersCorey - Moderator
Favourite Drink: Coca Cola Classic (Can't beat the real thing!)
Favourite Food: Bacon. (Mmm... bacon!)
Favourite Animal: Dogs. (I also have a soft spot for the underappreciated Whipoorwhil.)
Favourite Movie/TV Show: Evil Dead (Hail to the King baby!)
Fun Fact About Yourself: I can bend my left thumb at the joint to a full 90-degree angle due to pressing the DPAD on game controllers too hard over the years.
@RogersTony - Moderator
Favourite Drink: A cold coconut water during summer months. A hot herbal tea during winter.
Favourite Food: Chicken burgers and homemade gourmet sandwiches.
Favourite Animal: Penguins; because they are always well dressed.
Favourite Movie/TV Show: Game of Thrones; even though I wasn't thrilled about the ending. Mr. Robot season 1 was amazing, if you can make it past season 2 the final two seasons are pretty awesome!
Dream or Best Vacation: Paris - J'aime tout ce qui est francais.
@RogersYasmine - Moderator
Favourite Drink: I love a good grapefruit soda, bubble tea or a steamy cup of green tea.
Favourite Food: I love food and trying new dishes!!! Right now, my go-to dish is a really well-made Red Thai Curry. YUM!
Favourite Animal: I have always loved felines...I find them regal. I like that they are playful and affectionate, yet independent in nature.
Favourite Movie/TV Show: It's hard to only pick one, so I'll name a few that I can watch over and over without feeling bored - The Gladiator (EPIC!!! "Are you not entertained!?"), Ever After (for the romantic in me), The Terminal (because I love me some Tom Hanks). I am also a big GOT and Survivor fan.
Fun Fact About Yourself: I love playing volleyball and gardening.
Dream or Best Vacation: I have quite the bucket list of places I'd love to go, but Japan is next up on my list.
@RogersMoin - Moderator
Favourite Drink: Tea
Fun Fact About Yourself: Can speak 4 languages and read/write 5
Dream Vacation: Arctic Canada
@RogersMaude - Moderator
Favourite Drink: A classic margarita, a hot or iced coffee & martinis of all kinds.
Favourite Food: I love Mexican, Thai, & Lebanese food.
Favourite Animal: My lovely little dog, Penny! ❤
Favourite Movie/TV Show: Animal Kingdom, The Handmaid's Tale, Ozark & Killing Eve just to name a few.
Best or Dream Vacation: I recently went to Costa Rica and would love to go back to see some of the area we did not have time to visit. The crazy wildlife, the outstanding beaches, the amazing jungle, the cool surf trips, and awesome sea excursions make me want to discover more of that beautiful country as soon as possible.
@RogersZia - Moderator
Moment of Awesomeness: Does jumping off a plane count?
Favourite Drink: A bottomless cup of coffee
Favourite Food: Biryani
Favourite Movie: The Departed
Best Vacation: Istanbul and Prague
@RogersJermaine - Moderator
Favourite Drink: Water lol simple but refreshing.
Favourite Food: Desserts, I have kind of a sweet tooth. Waffles, Crepes, Funnel Cake Fries. Yumm
Favourite Animal: All birds just for the ability to fly. Favs though are the Falcons, Hawks and Eagles. I love seeing the red tailed hawk here in Toronto.
Favourite Movie/TV: Movie tie between Shawshank Redemption and Terminator 2, TV Seinfeld hands down I've probably watched every episode over a thousand times.
Best Vacation: Dream vacation would be to take a cruise around the Mediterranean but eventually I want to try and visit every country in the 🌎