01-20-2016 07:41 PM
Alright Guys,
2016 is here and everyone is settled in - So I gotta ask;
What are you waiting for this year in Tech?
I personally have the question running in my head VR or AR headset? And which one would I want.
VR: Virtual Reality.
AR: Augumented Reality.
Everyone has different opinion on how VR and AR are interchangable terms or can be within each other, but to set the record straight.
VR is immersion. AR isn't.
Example: Oculus Rift is VR as you dive into another virtual space & Microsoft HoloLens is AR because objects "pop-in" on the user's physical enviroment / space.
Oculus Rift - VR
HoloLens - AR
I personally want Oculus Rift (OR) or Similar (Sony Morpheus?) and some sort of MechWarrior / Space Battle game. Muahahaha
O___O thoughts anyone? I know there are alot of guys here who are gamers, so they would have something to say.
But I would like to hear things outside of that as well. Practical use (which Microsoft has marketed towards corporation use for HoloLens)
HoloLens practically is a PC replacement, since it is to run Windows 10 dedicated.
@Datalink @Meowmix @Gdkitty @RogersDarrell @RogersAsif @RogersMoin @VivienM @lockdown2341 @kr6 @jimboden @ARoC2J @brandonjbarnard
(If I missed someone as a 'Mention' do apologize)
This is open for anyone of course, I just tagged people so I can have this convo started 😄
-- What Tech are you looking forward to this year? Something cooler than a VR/AR?!
I gotta know! ^__^
01-21-2016 12:06 AM
Hey @ShakTiburon,
Both look amazing :). I've mostly just been following HoloLens and saw a few videos.
01-21-2016 09:45 AM - edited 01-21-2016 10:10 AM
I personally feel that the true leaps and bounds of how we advance our daily lives with technology will be accomplished via Augmented Reality.
Imagine a 'Personal Assistant' like from the movie "Her" but expressed via AR?
To me that's a life changing piece of technology.
01-21-2016 11:47 AM
I would say more generally an AR.. at least partially.
I am not expecting a whole room, see everything type one quite yet..
But would like more connected fully environment... the microsoft table type stuff.
With some of the display capabilities comming up... creating HUD type things in car windows to show the speed there.
That you can have it built into windows, mirrors, etc. To be able to be brushing your teeth and shaving, and have it playing the news in the top corrner of the mirror, etc.
01-21-2016 12:15 PM
@RogersHassam GUILTY for not tagging you >__< - and Their 'trailers' look amazing but exaggeration on how it looks. (lol Video editing has come a long way haha)
@RogersDarrell ooh HER i never watched it. I should probably find it and watch it today! Heard good things about it.
I think AR would be a more useful technology and hopefully excels heavily in few years and not decades; since VR is more entertainment based and Holograms aren't going to be something I see happening for a long while (which is also more AR related)
@Gdkitty What do you mean you aren't expecting a whole room? Oh you mean like what is augumented? I kind of wish they added camera and IR sensors on both sides of glasses (unless they have and I don't know) to detect everything around, shape, size, distance... though privacy would be a concern (where does that data go lol)
I am a big fan of HUD display, and want to retro-fit that on my car eventually, give it new life.
Mirrors having display built in. Since that is already done. Even if it isn't augumented, I would prefer displays to be everywhere. Infact, I would prefer home sensor (like iRobot) knowing where the person is and in which room to direct the video feed and aux power and supply content accordingly... unless you know the mainframe wants to kill you like in the movie...*ahem* getting off topic here haha
My other hopefullness is the utilization of smartphone AS a PC rather than just a small GUI that iOS, Android are.
Like what Microsoft is doing with their contunium. I believe Motorola Atrix did this way back and get it more involved with AR or VR but not like Samsung VR. Strapping the phone to my face feels ... odd. (though I am a samsung fan).
01-21-2016 09:09 PM
I know i have seen concept stuff for the mobile as PC stuff.. but never taken off.
I am suprised that APPLE hasnt done it. Have you actually seen the INNARDS of the latest macbook air? The actuall COMPUTER parts of it, are not really any biger than a phone.
Making a unified OS across platforms (kind of what MS is trying to do).. and that the one device can do all.. take your phone and Attach it into the BASE, which gives full keyboard and screen, etc.
01-22-2016 12:40 PM
Realistically speaking.
Apple with join the party late. After seeing what they can do to market the already available product (for 2 or 3 years) and call it INNOVATION.
So I'm sure if this takes off by the hardwork of all other companies, apple will jump in. Because it's Apple. Nothing new. lol
01-23-2016 05:40 PM
I'm not really that much of a big tech guy. I don't have the latest and greatest stuff, just what works. I mean heck, my first smartphone was a Samsung Galaxy 551, then I upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini and still have it.
The Oculus Rift seems cool but I'm not a big VR guy so it doesn't really peak my interest too much. AR, meh, I can take it or leave it. I know there is supposed to be a mobile Pokemon game coming to smartphones called "Pokemon Go" which uses AR on your surroundings to put Pokemon in it, which is a cool idea (even though I don't really play Pokemon). All the big fancy tech gadgets? No interest from me.
There is one thing I'm interested in, but I'm not sure if it is even out this year. I know Nintendo is working on their next console called the "NX" so I'd be interested in checking that out, since I didn't bother with their "Wii U" console.
01-24-2016 02:24 AM
I only have a request or an interest for a couple of things - I so want to see the common platform that Microsoft has brought out, but currently is struggling because of poor uptake of the phone side of things - one device for all would be great.
But most importantly, I want the industry to slow down, just a bit and get what it has out there working reliably, and begin to put more money into fully testing technology before taking it public. But I worked in technology for decades, and to be honest, it was a job, I was good at it, stayed up on top of it, but also ways had an a beliefe that if it didn't make our lifes more efficient, or entertaining, then I had not use for it. I have no use for virtual reality, I prefer the real world, I would like to see less gimmicks in our cars, as we have enough distractions there already, except for safety features, and a basic tablet would do me fine.
In my world, technology involves vision, mental health, wheel chairs and adaptive devices for some relatives, etc. Would love to see less emphasis on technology for the material world and more to make our world better.
Don't mean to rain on the parade, but when you get to this time in your life and you have a family where 6 people are physically handicapped and need technological innovation for their accommodations, rather than still using 60 year old technology of basic wheel chairs, walkers, canes, glasses, hearing aids( now there is a technology change that has done a lot), and just a generally aging family, your perspective completely asked. You asked what tech are you waiting for, probably not the ones you are thinking of but the definition of technology is the adaptation of science concepts in order to develop tools for use in any area of life. Basic STEM definition of science and technology. More to the world than TV's, phones, computers (although I will acknowledge their is some great develpment in wearable technology sensors in the body for metatabolic functioning of our bodies, reporting via cell phones or directly to our physcisians. We even now have tools for ECG and EMG and other monitoring tools along with robotic microsurgey and teleconferencing to aid the health field. Moderate improvements in communications and information technology and evaluation techniques in health are coming (although, a company like Rogers still has a long way to go on customer management and evalutation of services on the information technology and communication side of their customer service), and health still has quite a way to go.
So that is my hope for tech for this year - along with alternatives to non-sustainable resources for energy, more energy efficiency, self monitoring and reporting of our own energy consumption patterns, and many others.
As for TV, cell phones, computers, etc , all the stuff Rogers does - I would be happy with the basic technology of 5 years ago. I was fine with it then and still am now.
Happy 2016.
01-24-2016 03:32 AM - edited 01-24-2016 03:35 AM
@lockdown2341 New Nintendo? eh?? That's neat. I skipped out Wii U as well. (Actually, I am on hold for gaming consoles since I either will focus on PC upgrade since it does more than gaming, it has other functionality).
But to each their own, definitely understand if you don't want the latest and the greatest... a lot of people don't have that sort of interest.
@BS /Bruce, you never rain on the parade. well, I like the rain actually so wouldn't mind it a bit.
Actually your point is a very good one and respectfully so. I did say "new tech" not "New entertainment tech toy" 🙂
I actually follow medical technology advances just not closely anymore because it doesn't relate to me as much over time as I have gotten better.
But I particularly am following the research of nerve repairs and also robotics. Where they are listening to brain signals and starting to move the arms and fingers from the "Ghost" feeling an amputee has. Very interesting stuff, I'm pretty sure you know about it in more dept than me, I originally watched a documentary about it 6 years ago where they were starting to research it and got hooked into learning more about it. Now a lot of research facilities are conducting this option on patients and testing the prosthetics.
You are right about technology advancing the humans for their needs and making lives better. Yes technology is used for entertainment and 'fun' things but If technology as it stands was meant just for that, we wouldn't be where we are now.
I may speak of VR and AR or phones or games or what not but I really do hope we get even better in our medical science and energy efficiency. (Our current Solar Panels are horrible, in my opinion).
hehe, cheers.
01-24-2016 07:10 PM
I like the rain too. Lived in black forest area of Germany for three years, only 3 full days of sunlight in a year. Rain is the norm, you just dress for it. There is no bad weather, just poorly dressed people.
And yes, technology in the medical field is going strong. Others I could suggest are inventory tracking and billing systems, mapping of archeological sites from the space station, and so many other areas.
And yes, solar still has a ways to go, but it is getting there - need a Tesla designed battery system to go along with it, as well as interconnected grid generation systems for wind and solar like they have along the western coast of Europe.
Nice talking to you.
01-25-2016 05:33 PM
Speaking of Medical Advances.
Dr. Webb and Canadian and starting to become a hero (mine if not for everyone).
Some people may have heard of Bionic Lens
It is better than contacts and glasses, and much better than Laser Eye Surgery.
I wonder if anyone has opinion on it.
I wear glasses and contacts and I was going to get laser, but if this thing goes full blown. I am so getting it. Just don't want to be EVER the first people to get it.
Solar energy is my "fun toy" because I don't see advances there. Since there is no money to be made on a source that can easily be obtained by sun (free). Tesla however always gets my nod because they have a philosophy that most companies don't.
( Apple hires the fired technicians from Tesla, yes, another jab at Apple, because it's Apple; teehee 😛 ).
As long as there are things in this world that enhance the experience while I am temporarily here. I am happy.
01-29-2016 04:47 PM
Feels like I'm a bit late to this conversation but I'll chime in...I haven't been excited about any new tech for a long time now. This is partly because the level of control these company want over their tech and the lack of interoperbility. I'm more of a Rasberry Pi kinda person, so if I can't tinker with a device, then sit back and marvel at what I got it to do, it is of little interest. Anything less and it's just another appliance.
01-29-2016 07:26 PM
This is very true!
Rasberry Pi is evil. Very evil. and I want it... so badly lol
But I agree, the control of companies over their product is very restrictive to innovation. If they can't profit, it isn't worth the effort to release it to the market. (Even if it costs them nothing to release it).
I hope it's not the Canadian Dollar @kr6 that got you holding off on interest. I feel some of my friends don't take interest in tech due to it's cost. In Candian market is almost double the cost. 😐
and btw, technically a PC is an appliance lol
01-30-2016 09:32 AM
In some ways, i am the same KR6
I currently have a smart TV in 2 of the 3 rooms with TVs.
Generally, they serve my purposes.. MOST of my access right now is done for netflix and plex... and both TVs support this.
(My plex server is running on a PC, fully customizable running plex and many other media serving outlets as well inside the house, homsharing for iOS devices, etc)
But if i want more full featured.. i would be more likely to go CUSTOM over a boxed product.
There is the ROKU.. Anroid boxes.. etc.. but they all have LIMITATIONS on whats installed and how.
I prefer the more CUSTOM, all in one, do how i want option.
I just recently set one up for my brother in law. mini PC (so not much biger than android/roku). Win 10 on it, and fully customizable.
Runs all the 'tv' apps available for the windows store. Runs the Plex Home Theatre. Runs Kodi. Can even stream steam games from gaming PCs to it, etc.
I like that more flexability, of doing what i want with it.
02-01-2016 06:10 PM
The Pis are fun. Their under powered CPU becomes apparent very quickly when you start throwing tasks at it. But they excel at simple stuff that you don't need a full blown X86 CPU to process.
My lack of interested in not affected by the low dollar. I usually buy electronics I need and at the lowest price available. Even with the . dollar, hard drives and SSDs (which I go through tons of) are still cheaper across the boarder.
Actually, I am interested in home automation devices. The last device that actually got me a bit excited (sadly) was the Nest thermostat. After years of dealing with . Honeywell devices, this new company was going the shake up the scene with a smart thermostat and a sexy looking one at that. That excitement died fast when I learnt Nest had full control of the device, all remote configuration had to go through their website and no public API was available at launch. The good news was this research led me to a $99 device sold by Radio Thermostat that allows direct access and does not need to be controled by the corporate overlords. The device is rough around the edges, but I could marvel at what I got it to do :).
My other interests are in works by people from the Exploitee.rs, OpenWRT, Tomato, etc. Groups that takes your simple consumer appliance and make them into something fantastic. I still own Linksys WRT54 devices that makes great guest WIFI AP.
P.S. I build all my PCs and only buy laptops that have full open source support so they are a lil more that appliances to me 🙂
02-02-2016 10:28 AM
I don't own any smart TV (yet) and I'll avoid them for as long as I can. All my TV smarts are powered by NUC (Intel's Next Unit in Computing and not bees) size devices. I agree with you on the customizing bit. Setting things up from scratch opens up so many options.
I am not streaming to any mobile devices at the moment so haven't played with Plex. That is on my todo list.
02-02-2016 10:41 AM
It really comes down to what one wants to do with them.
I think for the AVERAGE user, they are GREAT. You just want to do BASIC stuff.. netflix and a few other streaming services..
They are perfect. No need for an additional box of any form, etc. Only one remote then, etc.
Plex does have its limiations.. is 'tv' stuff is limited to some basic on demand channels, etc. Definately not the same stuff like Kodi..
But for your own local content.. i have yet to find an EASIER one.
I have tried WMC with many plugins. I have tried media portal, etc. All of them worked good.. BUT.. the interface even just for management was clunky.
Plex WORKS, and is insanely simple to set up.
Install server. It has its own web interface for management. (which is nice vs the others.. where your view and management is seperate)
Create a catagory (movie for example) and point to your movies folder.
And thats it.. it scrapper goes out and scans the files and then creates all the entries for them. As long as your file naming is clean, etc.. i RARELY have it not find the right title. But it takes like 3 seconds to correct it in the interface.
I have mine running on my web server in the basement. My two smart TVs connect to it no problem.
I also run it off my iPad and iphone NIGHTLY while in bed.. streams GREAT with no issues (at least on iOS).
With a simple port forward, completely expands your capabilities as well. Through your plex login on the site, you can access your interface anywhere from any browser.. and it will stream to you there (obviously using up upload usage though). Also works then from mobile devices as well.
If you have a lot of 'local' content even for playback (let alone on mobile, etc), plex is great. I cringe whenever i go to a friends who is still using just DLNA.
02-02-2016 04:10 PM
I'm into the Internet of Things (IoT) like wearables and consumer electronics. The closest thing to embedded chip which I would use to track my cat if it should wonder outside etc. and another practical use would be to give a GPS device to a loved one I think is two-timing me and track them!
Just having a little fun here. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/01/an-internet-of-things-that-will-number-ten-billions.html