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Happy New Year 2017

I'm a senior advisor

A Happy New Year to all the moderators, RE's, and members of the board.


It has been a pleasure over the last year to be able to get assistance for my own problems and directions on how to move forward on more difficult items, and to provide the same to you.


I have gotten to know some of you personally and find it to be a wonderful community to belong to.


My own emphasis this year is on a massive downsize of the whole area of phones and TV and Internet as our own financial situation is in for a dramatic change that will necessitate reducing expenditures in almost all areas of our life.  We are moving from being lower middle class income to lower class.  We can still be comfortable in life, but we are learning the difference between luxuries, wants and true needs.  But obviously, one major area of looking at is our current services with Rogers, and next our housing costs.  Those two are the largest costs in our budget.


I have learned over the past few years, that I have to assert my financial needs strong and hard, as my needs are in competition with Rogers and other companies need to sell products that make profits.  I understand this, but at the end of the day, I have to live within my own budgets, and adjust my pruchases accordingly.  Even yesterday as I confirmed how Roam Like Home worked on my very well negotiated old contract, she attempted to provide us a "great solution" to make travelling easier.  It would, but involved an increase per month that was not high at a glance, but amost 500.00 per year.  That is a trip to the States to visit my daughter, so this gives a flavour of how dealing with companies, we have to be cautious of whether what is being offered is in our best interests, given the reality of our finances and need to keep our "luxuries" low so we can choose what gives true value to life - family, comfort in our homes, contact with friends and family, food and clothing.


I will continue to provide feedback and solutions to people as they come forward, but everything in our life is open game for reducing our living costs, and one of the most obvious is our Roger's services.


When it comes down to it, clothing, housing, transportation, health care, and food are the only true needs, everything is a "want" or 'luxury".  How a sudden change in life can totally change your perspective to telecom services, and so many other things we do in life and didn't have to think too much about.


We will survive - fortunately, we have been actively downsizing for over 7 years now since I ended up on fixed disability income, and that practice has allowed us to have about a year to make decisions of how to go forward.


For those who know me you will be used to me saying value added is defined by me, not companies nor matter how much they try to push the marketing message to suggest otherwise.  My money and my future assets to fall back on are critical for a happy and enjoyable life without the worry of finances.  As you get older (I am 60 this year), it becomes even more clear with each year that goes by.


So again, Happy New Year to all, all the best in your dealings first in life, and secondly with Rogers in receipt of your services.  I will continue to give my assistance where I can, and ask for advise in moving forward and whether I stay with Rogers for communication and entertainment needs.


All the best in another year and here's to receiving good services within your budgets and at fair rates and easy resolution when the inherent errors of complex systems occur.


Happy New Year, Bruce


Re: Happy New Year 2017



Hello, @BS


A very Happy New Year to you and to all the members of this Community. We all appreciate your insights and the assistance you provide in our Community. 


All the best and thanks for your contribution and for your help in keeping the community a pleasant place to be.




Re: Happy New Year 2017

Happy new year and happy chinese new year
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