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DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

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Just curious on what everyones opinions/what they used were?

Myself.. have always been a computer/digital person for a long time.. i have PC videos going back to REAL AUDIO file days 😛

Now a days, there are ALOT of choices for 'digital versions' from itunes, to ultraviolet, amazon, etc..
Some GREAT quality with them.. but still semi restrictive.. my itunes ones, i cant use on other PCS as easy, non apple stuff, etc.


While i normally jump on new tech, i was leary on the jump to bluray (especially after the whole whole bluray vs HD DVD thing).

I always thought that DVD was just fine.  WOW, didnt realize how much of a quality jump there was going up to bluray.
(and i try and tell this now to many people who say 'why do i need it?')


I also seem to like to have the physical copy in hand.. there is something just to say you 'own' something.
Some comment on PRICE for this.. but it is very minimal it seems.


These are AVERAGES for a NEW movie out.
DVD - $20-22

Digital Copy = Usually $16ish (for HD)

Bluray Combo pack (includes DVD, bluray and digital copy usually) =$24-26


Blueray combo pack, seems the best bang for the buck.. gives you the best quality.. and then all your other options as well!




Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

I plan to stick around

Neither. It takes forever for the movie to come out on disc/Rogers/etc. Smiley Wink Still prefer the old (theatre/cinema) way

nkgers | remember to leave a KUDO 😄

Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

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Well yes, i was more meaning AFTER in the theatre 😛

I usually watch them in the theatre.. then get them afterwards, etc.

But it can take quite a while for them to come out tho.. But its at least alot better than the past.

Its now only usually 6 months ish..  Used to be.. 1+years... and then that was just to the RENTAL places.. another good 6 months or more before able to buy, etc.

Its one reason i could never live with say just NETFLIX... it can take AGES for stuff to get on there.  Got an email with the exciting news of 'we now have how to train your dragon' the first movie... yay?  You just got a movie that is 4 years old.. and the 2nd one just was out in theatres and is going to be out on video within 2 months?

Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

I'm a reliable contributor

Late to respond to this exchange here.   


I still prefer to watch my movies in my own home theatre that I built which is actually better quality than most movie theatres.  I still prefer renting blu-ray discs from kiosks that are now in most areas of the GTA and beyond.    Most movies are only lagging a few months from what I see, maybe 6 months or so give or take.    There is no better quality out there for audio and video than blu-ray disks, even today.   The last couple of times I was at the movie theatre I was sorely diappointed in both audio and video quality especially for the price being charged to go there and actually prefer to watch at home.


I also watch some stuff on Netflix, but as has already been said, much of what's on there is much older.  It's still useful to catch stuff you've missed in the other formats, or catching series that were not on TV here or just catching up on series you might have missed in the past.   I like some of the british series shows that may not be here otherwise.   The audio and video quality of Netflix though is no where near as good as a good blu-ray on a good system, even in their best 'HD' highest-speed quality streaming.    Can't beat the convenience though and the simplicity of that service, especially for $ 8 / month.



Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

Yeah.. for me, netflix is a great ADDON.  Fills in the gaps on some things.. sometimes watch something i had never seen before.


I have 'cord cutter' people, who LIVE off of it.. say why have cable when you have it, etc. 
For me, it could never be a replacement.

But depends on your watching habbits i guess. 

Myself.. i like to see stuff when they are NEW (or as new as i can).  Especially if its something i wanted to see.. and never made it to see it in the theatre... i want to see it as soon as possible.
I dont want to wait 1+ years, for netflix to MAYBE get it....
(EG:  got a email from netflix a month back... they are all excited to now offer "how to train your dragon" on netflix.... the FIRST movie... that came out like 4+ years ago... that the 2nd one is due out on video in a few weeks..... i am suposed to be excited for this?)

Thats one reason i havent really used the KIOSK things either... its just not quick enough for me.

Maybe i'm just impatient 😛

Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

I'm a reliable contributor

Well, you're not alone in being impatient.    Most people are like that and the movie studios count on that to get you into the theatre and pay the crazy costs at this point to watch a movie not to mention the concession stand stuff.


I used to be impatient like that as well but as I've gotten older I have more patience and have no problem waiting 3-6 months to view it on blu-ray in my own home where the quality is actually better.    


The last movie I saw in the theatre was Star Trek Into Darkness.   I'm a big sci-fi fan.   I decided to see the 3-D version of it in an IMAX theatre.   I paid $ 19 to see it and was totally disgusted when I came out at what I saw for the price.    The 3-d really bothered my eyes and gave me a headache (something quite common apparently with many people - but not all) and the sound was so loud and distorted that it was actually uncomfortable being there.   And I like loud!   I have over 4,000 watts of clean power in my home theatre which is so much better.   6 months later I rented the blu-ray of this to watch it again and enjoyed it so much more and it only cost me $ 2 to do so.    This re-confirmed for me that I would rather wait than put up with that.    This movie is now on Netflix and yes it took more than 1 year to get there and the quality on Netflix is so inferior to watch there but I guess if you missed it it's a great way to catch up to it and many others like it.   



Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

I havent been to the regular theatre, in over a year now.

A big part, ontop of the already high prices.. is i have a 4 year need to get a babysitter, etc.

The Drive In theatre near us has re-opened.. and found that a good comprimise, at least to see stuff.

Allows my 4 year old to see a early kids movie, as well as we get an adult one afterwards, for less than the regular theatre.

yeah, the quality is not there obviously, (sound and picture), but allows to see it at least earlier on.... Then buy/rent the disk later 🙂

Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

@Gdkitty wrote:

I havent been to the regular theatre, in over a year now.

A big part, ontop of the already high prices.. is i have a 4 year need to get a babysitter, etc.

The Drive In theatre near us has re-opened.. and found that a good comprimise, at least to see stuff.

Allows my 4 year old to see a early kids movie, as well as we get an adult one afterwards, for less than the regular theatre.

yeah, the quality is not there obviously, (sound and picture), but allows to see it at least earlier on.... Then buy/rent the disk later 🙂

@Gdkitty ... I hear you!  A 'cheap' movie night turns into a pretty expensive outing by the time you factor in a babysitter!  


Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

Thats why i liked the drive in 🙂

This last year, my son was still FREE.

So only the two of us paying.

Your not SUPOSED to bring in your own food.. but we do 🙂  So fairly afordable in the end 🙂



If any of you live close enough to NEWMARKET.. and have never been to one.. i recomend taking the drive up and going to one next summer 🙂

Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

I plan to stick around

I've been waiting to ditch physical medium but after comparing Blu-ray and Digital copies, I just can't.  I've got several movies in both Blu-ray and digital copy form and the difference in quality is definitely noticable, especially where the feature film takes up a whole disc and maintains a high bitrate.  Try comparing Interstellar on Blu-ray vs. Digital Copy.  You can see soooo many digital compression artifacts all over the place during the black space scenes on the digital copy.  Where the Blu-ray was mastered with less than stellar picture quality, you can make the argument that the difference between Blu-ray and Digital copy might be negligable, but for the most part I find  Blu-ray is still far superior.  I wish the Digital Copies would up their bitrates.

Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

I actually did a bit of a blog article on my personal blog, after i wrote this.. after doing much testing, and comparing 🙂


At the end, goes into quality, etc.

And like you said, came to much the same conclusion.

Even the most common HD rips or digital downloads.. are usually.. 1.5g in size?  They are decent.. but the quality is nothing compared to Bluray.
If you look at some torrents of people who have done a 1:1 bluray rip.. they can be almost 20g in size.

Re: DVD vs Bluray vs Streaming/Digital Download

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I prefer owning the Blu Ray version of the movie instead of streaming it, especially if its a movie I enjoy and would watch over and over

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