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Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Rogers Employee
Rogers Employee

Does anyone go to Anime conventions?


And if so, any one Cosplays? eh eh? 😄


I have an old pic lying around... I'll post it but I am embarassed 😞


Topic created cause Anime North is this weekend (Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th) at Toronto Congress Center in Toronto (which is really north etobicoke; and before anyone says it, yes I also know their staff are all volunteers who are rude to anything that moves, breathes or asks them a question lol)


Also, I have NEVER been to FanXpo... o__O am i missing out? I am aren't i?


Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

This is the listing i have for everything on vhs/dvd (so this is not including my computer format stuff).


Out of those, would have to say my faves are the Dirty Pair stuff, as well as the ORIGINAL BGC (nothing beats the 80's japanese rock in it)


(and just for fun.. here is the listing for what i have in COMPUTER format.  This is NOT including over  500g worth which current is sitting on my media server.  This is just the archived to DISK stuff. )


As for onedrive.. i WILL be using that more.

I just bought the office 365 HOME subscription, so 5 PCs, 5 tablets, 5 phones full office. (PCs is office PRO) for $99/year.
But ALSO includes 1tb of ONEDRIVE.. PER each of the 5 pc licences
I DID read up on some of the 'unlimted' onedrive.. but its doesnt seem to fully apply.
I am THINKING its only for US subscirbers to the onedrive service 😞
BUT.. 1tb is nothing to sneeze at... Espeically since at least 2 of the licences i will be using myself... so 2tb online storage.


Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Let me clarify.

Since I have been harassing Microsoft reps at the Microsoft store.


It will show 1TB, if you go over. It will just up your data usage right after.

That's what they say... so now. I am gonna test that. Because THESE PEOPLE will be proven wrong lol


Realtistically speaking, 1TB is enough for most people, but the news about unlimited is US and Canada. Just an FYI.

The issue comes down to.

The Number of File limit, which was 20,000 last year. I hope they lifted that. I care about number of file limit more than storage.

As I mostly have a lot (ALOT) of pictures (I am a digital hoarder lol)

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Hi @Gdkitty,



I had a chance to check the link to that huge list of Anime movies and shows. I was able to find one I have in my movie collection. The Street Fighter II Movie, I'm from the old school of gamers for Street fighter so I had to get myself a copy of an animated movie. Thanks for sharing the listSmiley Happy




Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

I am actually surprised we have this conversation going. ^__^ Looks like we got some anime fans in Rogers Community! Yay!

Oh. So I saw LARPing last Anime North, Did I mention this yet?
I don't think I have...

Has any one done LARPing? or Anime Role Play?

o__o you gotta look the role to play the roll in my opinon.




Also, @Gdkitty amazing list. I wish you put a rating beside so I can see what is worth watching and what isn't.

I do like more high tense battle (realistic not kawaii/silly) - but if it is not action packed, then a strong story / with fully developed characters are a must.

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
I would have to re watch 1/2 of it to remember 🙂

That is one reason tenchi, ranma, rate as favorite series of mine.
Some good action/combat scenes, but mixed with enough other story and comedy to its not TOO serious.

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Very well agreed.
I love Trigun, Vash = Awesome.
I am gonna start digging my favourites and make a list and post it here... I want to see other people opinion. (I need time, not because there is a lot. but because i am lazy. shh)

@Gdkitty and Everyone else:
What is your current anime you are following/watching? (Anime not Manga)

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
Got about 6 I am watching this season, but most are MEH, nothing I am super excited for.
Watching the current (3rd?) season of Durarara.
Overloard is new, kind of SAOish.

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Durarara has 3rd season?! O_o
Okay, i'll be tuning into that...
.Hack is MMORPG anime for me.

But I do like Log Horizon and SAO... maybe i;ll check out this Overloard thing. o__o

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
Durarara is just started 3rd. 2nd episode in.

Overlord not quite sure on. It's a virtual mmo, it's on the last day and it's shutting down. Leader of the strongest guild stays on until the last second (actually falls asleep)
Wakes up, and he's still in game. Not shut down. And he can't log out. All the npc have their own personalities, etc now.

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

"Can't get log out" <-- Overdone lol

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Yeah 😛

But with lack of other stuff this season.. its better than some other stuff.

Suprising amount of FANSERVICE ones this season..

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.


I mean, sure if it MADE SENSE, if it was lead to it properly... as soon as the episode/season/series focuses Fanservice... characters lose their integrity and personality - In my opinion....

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Yeah.. i mean, i dont mind fanservice, when its sort of built into it..
Highschool of the dead was a good example.  While the character designs were made pretty much for fanservice.. it all sort of just flowed with the story.

A recent one right now, is Monster Mesume.

Great base concept, about the monster world working to integrate into the real world..

But ends up being ALL just fanservice... like every minute, its an escuse for someone to take their clothes off, etc.

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Click here for details
Don't they have Hentai for that? o__o"

Well, I wanted to start watching something - I'll start with what you have suggested...
As long as I avoid FAN-SERVICE-ONLY animé ... I think I can manage lol

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Reminder gentleman,


you must keep the conversation professional. Inappropriate topics or material will not be tolerated.




Thanks for understanding.




Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Point noted @RogersDarrell

So moving on...

Lets talk Robots...
I only watched 1 series of Gundam
I think its called Gundam wing right?
I played the Gundam Endless Waltz as well - Actually still have the emulator and play it from time to time on my Old PSP

There are some really good anime,
Eureka 7
Evengelion <-- never know how to spell that.
hmm what else? completely blanking out here...

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Personaly.. i am not always a fan of BIG ROBOT anime like gundam... prefer more 'mobile suit' type ones, where the mechs are a little smaller.


But wing was FAR from the first 😛  It was really the first major north american accessible one though.
There  has been gundam series ever since about 1979 🙂

EVA is a clasic robot one.
I personally liked Escaflone.. mix of fantasy and robots.

More recently (last year?) Nobonaga the fool was a similar feel to Escaflone


Of course, cant forget ROBOTECH 😄

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Escaflowne is hands down the best anime IMO. I liked the fantasy world and the controls were manual and EPIC. OMG fights were awesome....
trutrutrutrutrutru-dundummmm...-esCA...floNE.... trururutrutrutrurururutruruu...
Haha now I got the battle music stuck in my head... 😛

Now this isn't anime... but it is at the same time...

Best ROBOTS in anything . ... like... EVER...
Zone of Enders Series, whch is a game but the cut scenes are all anime. 😄
I... love Anubis looks... (for obvious reasons-- ITS ANIBUS COMON!)
but you gotta know these guys right?

oh... i'll post their pic to increase interest!





JehutyZOE.jpg  Zehuty                                  ZOEAnubis.jpg Anubis



Picture doesn't do just. Anubis is taller. o__o

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

@Gdkitty @RogersDarrell @RogersArthur @RogersAdam1 @RogersAsif

😛 Don't let this thread die!


I have been waiting for someone to respond lol

Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.



Cool pics! On a side note I heard the Dragon Ball Z movie came out.


One of my friends was mentioning that we should go watch it yesterday.



Re: Anime conventions + random conversation about conventions in general.

Dragon Ball Z: Ressurection F

I assume F stands for Freeza. Golden Freeza FTW lol

It looks weirdly animated.
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