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Stand Alone Modems

I'm a trusted contributor

It has been noted on these forums that Hitron now has a 24-channel stand alone modem. Your gateways leave a lot to be desired in terms of both dropped connections and poor wifi range. Many on here defend the gateways because they are simpler for many customers. They claim that for many who do not like the built in router, the simple solution is to go to bridge mode. In my opinion though, it is easier for a customer to buy a stand alone modem, then purchase their own router and hook it up. You cannot believe how many people I have talked to who have problems with your lousy gateways. When I try to explain how to bridge the modem, it is like I am speaking a foreign language. Why does Rogers not get this simple fact?


Also, in reading over your answers to many questions, all you are doing is regurgitating the standard Rogers promo lines. Sorry, but I expected something better!


Re: Stand Alone Modems

I plan to stick around





Chime in the similar topic... Ask an Expert: Why the IGNITE plans no longer offer discount on BYO Rogers modem?  

Re: Stand Alone Modems

Product Manager
Product Manager

@JohhnyRockets  If there are specific issues that you find with our integrated modems, I truly want hear about them, including details on how to replicate. So that I can take these to our vendors to have these issues fixed or the additional functionality added to our modems to make them more attractive to our customer base.

Re: Stand Alone Modems

I'm a trusted contributor

I explained to you the issues: dropped connections and poor range. You have ignored my comment about a stand alone modem. Hitron now offers a 24-channel stand alone modem. Please give us the option. There is not a single gateway on the market that has a decent built in router. Admit this, give us the option for a stand alone modem and let me choose my own high quality router!

Re: Stand Alone Modems

@JohhnyRockets Sorry when I mean specifics, I meant what are you doing when the drop happen? How is the modem configured? What is the end device you are using including wireless NIC and firmware as well as OS?, etc.  Without this type of information it is impossible to replicate the issue and then resolve with the vendor

Re: Stand Alone Modems

I suspect that there is no way around the issue of the Gateways used by ISPs having antenna mounted on circuit boards within the case versus a router with external antenna.  The antenna gain figures of the CGN3 actually are not that bad, but there are a good many people who find that the wifi performance is not up to par.  nuff said. 


Another issue is the lack of Co-existence mechanisms within the CGN3.  The CGN3 is not certified with Co-existence mechanisms by the Wifi Alliance.  So, if you run a mixed assortment of devices, including ones that are single antenna, single data stream, dual or triple antenna, dual or triple data stream and / or single channel, or dual channel for channel bonding on a 2.4 Ghz network from the CGN3,  the CGN3 will lock down to the slowest rate of the group.  So, if you have one item that is single antenna, single data stream and single channel to boot, anthing that is multi-antenna, dual channel will slow right down.  That is a problem.  Since the modem is certified already would Hitron actually go back and recertify it at Rogers request if that was necessary....hmmm.   Good question.


The CGN3ACR has Co-existence mechanisms and is certified for it, but I have yet to see any comments that actually comfirm that.  


Could that issue be addressed for the CGN3, or is it beyond too late?  If so, the solution would be to assign CGN3s to anyone who just wants to bridge the modem, and assign CGN3ACRs to anyone who will really use the modem wifi networks, and get rid of the rental differential between the two.

Re: Stand Alone Modems

I'm a trusted contributor

The two issues I have brought up are common issues with your gateways that many complain about. I see the complaints on here and on many other independent forums. The only current solution is to bridge the modem. My question remains: Why will Rogers not give us a stand alone option?

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