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LG G4 - Wifi Calling

I've been here awhile

Hi, to explain my interesting predicament, a few months ago I experienced the dreadful bootloop issue and took it to my local Rogers store for repairs. I received it back in a timely manner and everything seemed good again. This lasted up until a few days ago when I had noticed that Rogers extended WiFi calling for the LG G4, I figured I would try it out. I kept getting an error saying that my device isn't eligible for WiFi calling which confused me. I spoke with Rogers via Facebook messenger and was told my device is a non-rogers device. I explained to them that this cannot be the case, but then they brought to my attention that the imei I provided is different than what I previously had on the account. When I received my device back from repairs it was the same device in that it had the screen protector that had been put on it. To my discovery, they swapped out the motherboard which results in the new imei. So an authorized repair centers for Rogers put in a motherboard that isn't recognized as a Rogers device. I'm not even sure how this can be resolved. I plan on going to the store I took it to in the first place but I'm really not sure what they'll do. I'm just looking for suggestions.. and curious if anyone else has ever had this happen to them?


Re: LG G4 - Wifi Calling

I've been here awhile



I tried those settings and they work for internet, but not for wifi calling.




Re: LG G4 - Wifi Calling

Hey @cptdigits,


We would love to help troubleshoot the issue with you. When you are next online, please send us a PM to @CommunityHelps and we can proceed from there.




Re: LG G4 - Wifi Calling

I'm a senior advisor

WIFI calling requires that you also have a data plan in order to activate


After going through all the prompted steps for setting up WIFI calling on my LGG4 today, I found that it would not complete the activation.


So I called into support, and they turned it on from their end, we waited, I got it to show WIFI calling now on.


I then did the steps to get the activation number, to enter it, to register my 911 address, and then I got the confirmation of activation in the gmail.


Turned the phone off to recycle and complete it, and low and behold, it goes back to a greyed out option for WIFI calling, and saying enabling...  Finally it says it is on, no active showing.


So I call back again, the guy does some checking in the account and tech information.


Well turns out that to have active WIFI, you have to have a data plan too, which I don't.


I mentioned that at no time in the purchase of the phone and when it was mentioned that it had VOLTE and WIFI calling, nor anywhere here on the forums that I could find, or in the help documents, did it mention anything about this restriction, and that this absence of information created the confusion and waste of my time and their support time.


So I am posting here so people know of this restriction - I have learned over the last month with two replaced phones, and minor changes in plans, that there are a lot of tech support and CSR reps that have no idea about restrictions and how non share plan options work, where to find those plan options on their screens, and obviously, two tech supports did not fully understand that data was required.


It is like those of us who choose to be on non share plans, one with data, one without, that the people in the system seem to be operating from the first assumption that everyone is on share plans, and that we all have data.


So add this to the restriction that currently unlocked phones non-Rogers phones cannot support WIFI calling, but not having data prevents it too.


Not sure if there is a technological reason for the WIFI not activating without data, but found nothing on the Internet on this being a requirement.


But just felt that I needed to let people know that WIFI (at least on my account - a non share, no data plan), although they can activate the WIFI and go through all the motions, without data plan, it is a no go.  Go figure.


Learn something new everyday - I have asked that this topic be passed up the chain so that CSR's doing selling and techs understand this limitation.  For me, I don't care, but for others it may be a reason why they bought the specific phone.



Re: LG G4 - Wifi Calling

I'm an advisor



2. Do I need a specific device or plan to use Wi-Fi Calling?

To use Wi-Fi Calling, you must have the Wi-Fi Calling feature enabled in your Settings on a compatible Rogers device with an LTE SIM. You must also subscribe to a Rogers postpaid wireless voice and LTE data plan.

Re: LG G4 - Wifi Calling

I'm a senior advisor

Thanks for the clarification on that - I do my best to read all terms of service, but these come to us after we get the phone, not before we make our choices, and I am glad to now know it is there - it is the responsibility from a customer point of view (my opinion) that the CSR doing the work would have highlighted that requirement, and obviously it isn't clear even to the tech staff, as it took two of them to find that detail.


But I thank you for the clarification.  The challenge also in my case, is that the expected email confirmation never came and I had to request that today, and even the paper versions, don't speak to terms of references to WIFI, so even though I deligentally read through every set of terms, wireless codes, etc, I didn't see that one.


Way too many terms of references to all the services to keep up on them all.  When it was activated, the terms did come with the email in those scroll boxes (I can't read those due to print disability issues - I need them read and explained to me), but I didn't get to that point because I was just trying to understand while talking to techs what was going on, and when the CSR sold the features, that I didn't get to terms.


I thank you for reference to the section that was relevant to my misunderstanding, and that others now have that clarity, but I don't accept that not once in my discussion with the CSR at customer relations and then two techs could refer to that terms as the reason why it wouldn't work.


There is still a huge need for training and I hope this discussion makes its way back to customer relations review teams, and quality assurance/improvement staff to look at improvements in communication that need to be made.


Again, I thank you for the clarification.  Always count on you to find it - not in a single search on google did I find a reference to this one - now there will be one.



Re: LG G4 - Wifi Calling

I'm a senior advisor

Terms of Service


A little lesson learned today.


When going over FAQ's on the WIFI calling, I never made it to the bottom of the page - there at the bottom was the link to terms of service that would have clarified most of what I dealt with today and discussions, and lots of confusion - not frustration, as was suggested by the rep I spoke to using the standard customer service line that is used so much these days by so many companies - just lots of confusion, and annoyance not at the situation, or the staff, but at poor training, and the difficulties of a customer just trying to understand their services.  My mortage renewal has less pages and conditions than my phone service, and are explicitely written on one stapled document.


This link will take anyone to the relevant terms


In there, I found 11 that apply to my current services and interactions with Rogers.


So I strongly recommend that customers of Rogers take the time to read all of these that apply to your services.


There was a time I remember when these all came in a pamphlet that I read at my leisure and ease with my magnifying glass, underlining and keeping for references.  I am not very good anymore at working my way around web sites and links as I lose track of where I am due to concentration issues.


I still say that any terms relevant to us should be given to us right up front and usually come in the electronic confirmationin the email, but about 50% of my transactions have never resulted in the email.  Of course, we have the 15 day and 30 minute air time remorse period to back out, once we figure it all out.


In my case, as of December, due to my disabilities, my understanding is that remorse period goes out to a month with no air time limit or something like that which will give me the time to work with understanding all the terms of service.


Learned important things today, thanks for the link, and hope my experience can help customers to learn to ask for everything up front, the page links for terms, not just a generic, see our web site - that is not explicitly confirming that we understand our contract, terms and expectations, but it appears that we are expected to do the work.


Guess this is part of the costs of us demanding that they keep prices realistic and affordable, is that support gets hurt.


I am out of here, and will now just enjoy my phone.


I will use my other WIFI calling options like my phonego, FB messenger, etc.  The last time I was in emergency, there was no Rogers service, but they had wifi available, so I contacted my specialist via WIFI calling on phonego.  Worked fine.


Good night all, Bruce

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