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Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I plan to stick around

How to I record a series I set up?

I have series in my list that aren't even on the air any more. How do I get rid of them?


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Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I plan to stick around

Thank you for your response.  I should clarify that the issue I am having is not with deleting series from Navigator but deleting individual recordings that have long passed the recording date  but are still showing as being scheduled to record.  Some of these date back to 2016.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@RHarukMy most recent posts were in response to @cfillion1.  The only recommendations I have for you are in post 15.


@cfillion1:  If yours are series recordings, which they sound like they are, you need to go into the Recorded/Tiles/Grid view and delete from there.  That looks like the picture that I provided a link for in post 13 - the one with 8 recordings,  most of which will have pictures of the programmes.


I'm not sure if you can delete (empty) series from the scheduled recording list, or the recordings list - only from the grid/tiles view.  Of course you can also wait until there is a recording in that one you want to delete and then delete the series per the instructions at the bottom of post 13 (which may also work if you find the programme under your scheduled recordings list).  Those instructions are a bit convoluted, but do work.  If you can't get it to work, read the instructions to someone else in the home. Sometimes your own "muscle memory" precludes following the instructions exactly.  Hope that helps.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I plan to stick around

I did eventually find the series way down in the 'zombies' as suggested, so thank you for that. This is truly the most convoluted, counter-intuitive thing I've encountered with the system though. Why so difficult? "Delete Series Recording" should be part of scheduled recordings - it seems like a no-brainer to me. Hopefully they'll address this in future updates. Thank you for the help.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@cfillion1:  Thank you for the feedback.  I'm glad you were finally able to find them.


Interestingly, "Zombie" recordings are not even view-able on the Home Edition app, only programming that has a recording scheduled in the next week...


I'm not sure if there will be any major updates to Navigatr since IPTV is supposed to be coming in the near future.  Here's a list of other Navigatr issues...


Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I've been here awhile
I am having the same issue as everyone above, I have also done exactly what you said, and I know I did it exactly cause I called Rogers and they talked me through it. Rogers told me if that didn’t work to do a factory reset, which I did and still everything was their. So I decided to exchanged my main pvr, and when everything was set up, guess what all the old listings were still there. I think Rogers needs to admit there’s a problem with there system and stop blaming the customers for not knowing what they’re doing. So can Rogers please look into this issue and fix it, because it is causing issues with the pvr’s.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

Hi @Tonia1974!


Welcome to our Community!


You have a real strange issue here, I'll give you that! What you're describing here should be impossible unless you have another PVR or you've attached a PVR extender to your network. The recordings you're seeing must be stored on another box in the home as we do not have any cloud storage for recordings. 


In a situation where there is only one PVR in the house, the recordings are stored locally on that PVR hardware only. Under this circumstance, exchanging for another PVR should leave you with a blank slate.


Please confirm if you have another PVR or an extender in the house. If you do not, we'll have to go back to the drawing board on this and dig deeper.




Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

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Resident Expert

Rogers told me if that didn’t work to do a factory reset, which I did and still everything was their. So I decided to exchanged my main pvr, and when everything was set up, guess what all the old listings were still there. 

I was also wondering how this was possible.  As mentioned by @RogersCorey, the only possible explanation is that you have WHPVR (Whole Home PVR setup) and the recordings are on another PVR in the home.  You should be able to do a reboot of the "other" PVR and delete recordings by accessing that PVR directly, not indirectly from another box.  A Factory Reset of the "other" PVR would also erase any recordings on it.  Go to "Settings - Scroll up one to "Troubleshooting" and select "Factory Reset".  This must be done on that PVR itself, as mentioned above.


There is one other possibility and that is that the MoCA filter was not properly installed at your home or in a neighbour's home and you're seeing your neighbour's recordings. This is highly unlikely, but a remote possibility.  You would have to call for service if our previous recommendations do not apply.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I've been here awhile
I have the whole home pvr, so in total I have 4 boxes. Because of the build up of scheduled recording my boxes are running slow, so I had a technician come and he factory reset ALL boxes in the house, at first everything was gone then after about half hour everything came back, except things that were recorded. The technician left before he could see it came back, so I called Rogers back and they said to return the main pvr so I did, again after about a half hour all the old scheduled recording list came back. Don’t know what else to do, even Rogers didn’t know what to tell me.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Tonia1974 :  Thank you for getting back to us.  This is very strange and should not be happening. Would you please look at the front of each of your 4 boxes and write down the model number for each box and report back to us?  They should be numbers like 4642, 8642, 9865, etc.


The 8642 and 9865 models are PVRs, so if you have more than one, that's where the scheduled recordings may be coming from...  You would need to go to each individual PVR, and do a factory reset as I outlined in my previous post.  The 4642 is a set top box and is not a PVR.  For it you can simply do a reboot.  All of the boxes should be rebooted to get them back to proper operation.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I plan to stick around
How do you delete a series recording on the 4K PVR? I don’t want the 4K pvr to keep recording. One program has recorded over 200 episodes. How do I select say couple episodes I want to keep and delete the rest? I have option “delete” series which erases ALL episodes. Also cannot find a way to cancel all future recordings of the series!

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Here you go - you cannot select the ones you wish to keep, but you can quickly select the ones you want to delete. One tip though, don't select too many at a time because the PVR can become overwhelmed. Try selecting say 10 at a go.:


The following link is for zombie recordings (ones that air sometime in the future), but the method will work for any series:


If the scheduled series recording is not a zombie, then you can simply go to the scheduled list, find the scheduled recording and select "view series", then select "scheduled" on the right side, then scroll down to "cancel series recording".

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I've been here awhile
Hi sorry for the very late reply, as I mentioned in the previous response I had a Rogers technician come and he reset all the boxes (factory reset) and still with the same issue. I have called Rogers several times, I’ve asked them should I return all the boxes and they say no, the problem would only be with the main PVR box.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Tonia1974 : Please reply completely to the questions in the first paragraph of post 30 of this thread.  Link below:


If you wish, you can then (yourself) go into the settings - troubleshooting menu and do a factory reset of each box, since what you say is happening, shouldn't be possible.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I plan to stick around

I'm having a strange situation with a 4K PVR box that I recently acquired. There were a bunch of series scheduled from the previous owner, and I had deleted them. Now, for some reason I still get some scheduled recordings from these, they appear suddenly, but when I go into the scheduled list, there is NO series settings button to press, so no series to clear. I can't understand where these are coming from. The only thing I can do right now is delete the individual episodes scheduled to be recorded.


I thought about doing a factory reset, but where could these scheduled episodes be coming from? Never experienced anything like this with a 9865 in all my years of use. I thought there was some sort of online recording scheduling but that's all gone now (no sign of it in anyplace tv app and the old app is gone now)

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@mf152 : You're looking at the wrong part of the "recordings" display. If a recording is not scheduled for the next week, but it returns, it will be recorded if not properly deleted.  Here are the instructions:


These "zombie" recordings are usually near the bottom of the Tiles view, above your next scheduled recordings.  Zombie recordings do not appear under the Scheduled recordings.


PS. It looks like the link in post 13 to the pictures is no longer working properly, however, the instructions should still work. Remember to look in the Tiles view for your zombie recordings.   Instructions follow again below:


In the Tile/grid view (the one that usually shows pictures of the recordings), find your zombie scheduled recordings by scrolling down and then follow the instructions in the link I previously provided (and repeated below) to delete them (one at a time). Let me know how that goes.


1. Find the zombie (or other scheduled series recording) in your tiles view

2. Select the zombie or scheduled series recording.

3. Select "Scheduled" on the right side of the screen.

4. Select "Cancel Series Recordings" (which becomes visible after step 3.)


Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I plan to stick around
Thanks, 57, I found the options you mentioned on one of the series i scheduled myself. None of the other series currently appear there but as soon as the episodes reappear I'm going to give this a try.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

You don't have to wait for anything to reappear.  Any "zombie" recordings will be viewable in the tiles view. If there are no zombies there, nothing (except what you scheduled and airs in the next week) will record.  Make sure you do a regular reboot at some point when the PVR is not recording.


In the tiles view, sort by date (not sort A-Z) the zombie recordings will be below your recorded programming and above your scheduled recordings.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I plan to stick around
Looks like i must have cleared the last of them. I had twelve of them a week ago and one appeared yesterday, so i thought it might have been something that just randomly reappeared. But I guess i had missed it. Also did the reboot as you suggested. Thanks again.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I plan to stick around
Good news! After rebooting, all my scheduled series showed up in the grid view. There were many more than I thought. Pages of them actually.

Selecting the grid icon, then selecting scheduled, then Cancel Series Recording, did the trick. Thanks again 57.

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I've been here awhile
I followed your directions and everything works except I could not press confirm delete because there was no pop-up button to confirm or say yes to deleting so I still cannot remove the shows that are no longer recording

Re: Deleting Series from NAVIGATR

I've been here awhile
Thank you so much my PVR is now the way I want it thanks again for your help at worked like a charm
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