yesterday - last edited yesterday by RogersMoin
New Customer as of Saturday, January 25. On My Rogers account, I have been unable to log into the "Exchange Flex Channels (so for 5 days, as Wednesday now). When I hit the "Exchange Flex Channels", I get this message: "Sorry, there's a problem on our end. Thanks for your patience while we work to fix it. Please check back later." Has anyone else had a problem these last five days using the "Exchange Flex channels"? (I have tried with my iPhone, iPad, and desktop Mac).
I have used the chat function of My Rogers to talk to an agent and they switched a channel for me (albeit, they couldn't find the channel I wanted "CNN International" so they gave me CNN (domestic).
When I was making the initial purchase of services last week, I was told by the store employee that I could swap out and add as many channels as I wanted to as long as I deleted a channel(s). Coming to find out that apparently I can only swap a total of 4 (Flex) channels and must swap with "flex designated channels already existing (not regular channels). Was also told I would get Disney application, which I learned yesterday I don't given the "Add 10 TV" package I signed up for at the recommendation of the agent who told me the incorrect info.
Any insight would be helpful.
*Added Labels*