01-24-2022 02:39 AM
I canceled my Rogers services due to relocation.
I recieved an email requesting i return two of the four rogers components i have. A wifi gateway and 1 TV Box with serial #s. I also have two other TV Boxes, what should i do with them?
01-24-2022 10:12 PM
I canceled my Rogers services due to relocation.
I recieved an email requesting i return two of the four rogers components i have. A wifi gateway and 1 TV Box with serial #s. I also have two other TV Boxes, what should i do with them?
I would contact Rogers (either by telephone or by sending a Private Message to @CommunityHelps ) and inform them of this error/oversight and ask them for direction on how to proceed. At some point, you will need to return any rental equipment that is associated with your account. However, Rogers also needs to be able to process the return when they receive your equipment, so I would not just send the other two set-top boxes with the other equipment until you know that they are expecting to receive them.