favourites bug?
Some of the channels I add as a Favourite from the "Guide/ Free to Me" list do not appear under the "Guide/Favourite Channels" list. Most of the one's I have added appear but a few don't strangely. I have tried to reboot the box a...
I'll try another power cycle and Refresh tomorrow.
The sync PVR did not help.
They are not appearing in the Guide Favourites. They do have a star next to the channel in the Guide All Channels or in Free to Me.
The "Refesh" didn't help. But I did it before a power cycle and it seems to be in a mood now, and not want to do it again for a while :). Any idea how long I have to wait to try again?
The ones I have noticed (there may be more) are:
133 CBC
Hi, and thanks the help!
Seems to be just particular channels. I added two more random channels and they appeared in the Favourites as expected.
I do see them all in the app. That helps, but I would like them all to appear on the box too.