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Switching from Premier (63 Flex channels) to Total TV - Channel Discussions.

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Summary: When checking out channel listings in various packages, do not rely solely on the channel PDFs sent by Rogers.  The Rogers Website Channels listing is more accurate.  The "offer" in MyRogers may not be the best one for you.


My "contract" was up at the end of March, so I looked at various options, but the best (and least expensive) option (for me) was to go with Total TV, in light of the channels that my wife and I watch/record.


For my basic research I looked at the channels I currently had using the IgniteTV app and compared that to the Channels listed on the Rogers Website after putting in a nearby address.  I searched for every channel that I need/want on the website and made notes.


Before making the switch and while negotiating the new package, I wanted to confirm what channels I currently had and what channels I would have under Total TV, so I requested a comparison pdf.


The first comparison pdf was riddled with errors.  Sample errors outlined below:


1. Prime Time Channels - CBC, ABC, NBC, Fox, PBS (16, 17, 18, 28, 61) show as "included" under Flex, when they were not and cost $3/mo.

2. 121 DW is completely missing.

3. 4K channels 507, 509, 515 show as not included in Total when they should be.

4. TSN5 520 shows not included in Total when it should be.

5. REV 540 shows as not included with Flex when it is a Flex channel.

6. Stingray Now 4K 983 is completely missing.


7. Be careful with the Timeshifting channels because they are all listed and have an *, so you only get the ones in your area, unless you pay for Timeshifting


After mentioning this, the mod sent me two additional pdfs (with different dates in case the date of the first list was incorrect).  Unfortunately they also had errors - outlined below:


On the second list, there were additional errors with TSN3 518 and TSN4, 519, SNW 505, SNP 506 not included in Premier.  TSN 5 520, DW 121, Stingray Now 4K 983 are still totally missing from both lists.


On the third list, TSN5 520 is still not shown in Total, SNW 505, SNP 506 not included in Premier. DW 121 and Stingray Now 4k 983 are still totally missing.


The above two paragraphs are in addition to the errors in my first list, excepting the Prime Time channels which were shown correctly as extra cost on Premier Flex in the second two pdf.


Just as an FYI, the following channels were included in my Premier Flex, but not included in Total TV: EuroNews, Teletoon, Discovery Velocity, Africa, Deja View and DW.  Total TV did contain some channels that were not part of my Premier Flex bundle, but most were of no interest to me.


After some back and forth, we were able to negotiate a package that met my needs/wants at an acceptable price point.  It will be for 2 years.


P.S. The "offer" that was on my file when logged into MyRogers was not as good as was finally negotiated and also was misleading since it didn't contain everything that I had.


P.P.S. The transition appears to have gone smoothly with regard to the channels available and the Internet speed.


Re: Switching from Premier (63 Flex channels) to Total TV - Channel Discussions.

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Hi I currently have Ignite Premier tv and noticed that Rogers has Ignite Total tv

which is less than what I'm paying for Premier,

Premier = 118 channels, 300 mbps download

Total = 155 channels, 500 mbps download

Rogers website advertises $159 for Total but for me on MyRogers  for Total deal is $189 is the $159 for new customers only?

What am I missing by going to Total tv? 

Do I lose my timeshifting channels?

Re: Switching from Premier (63 Flex channels) to Total TV - Channel Discussions.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Am2k wrote:

1. What am I missing by going to Total tv? 

2. Do I lose my timeshifting channels?

1. If you read my post above, you'll see the channels that are not included in Total that were included in my Premier.  I have copied that paragraph again below, however, that was for my location and yours may be different.


Just as an FYI, the following channels were included in my Premier Flex, but not included in Total TV: EuroNews, Teletoon, Discovery Velocity, Africa, Deja View and DW.  

2. The Canadian Timeshift channels are a theme pack that costs $3/month.  I believe it was the same for Premier.  I'm not sure why anyone needs this package since you have access to PVR functionality, however, to each his own.


3. As mentioned in my post above, you need to go to the channel list yourself and check what is available for Total TV and see if you need to subscribe to anything else to get the channels you want/need.  Click the following link, put an address near you into the popup and then click on the channels tab that comes up for you to see all the included channels for the various packages.  If a channel you want is not included, then you'll need to subscribe to it, or to a theme pack that contains that channel.  The theme packs are outlined in the "Theme Pack" tab.


4. Once you have done all your research, you can contact Rogers to have them confirm the overall pricing for what you want.  I usually PM the forum mods to do this, but how you wish to contact Rogers is up to you.

Re: Switching from Premier (63 Flex channels) to Total TV - Channel Discussions.

I'm here a lot
Thanks 57 for the quick response. I’ll look into the channel list for my location. It doesn’t look there are channels that i’ll miss. I guess my main question is Total offers more channels and faster speed at a less price what would i be missing other than a few channels that I may not even watch?
Thanks again!

Re: Switching from Premier (63 Flex channels) to Total TV - Channel Discussions.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Am2k wrote: main question is Total offers more channels and faster speed at a less price what would i be missing...

It's typical that Rogers tries to "nudge" clients onto the latest packages as it makes their job simpler.  You may not be missing anything.  When you need to renew your contract in 1-2 years, it may then be possible for Rogers to raise the price, depending on your preferences.

Re: Switching from Premier (63 Flex channels) to Total TV - Channel Discussions.

I'm here a lot
Thanks I got my channel comparison list from Rogers. Doesn’t look like I’ll be missing anything. I’m in the process of switching to total tv today. Yeah, it’s going to go up in 2 years.
Thanks again 57

Re: Switching from Premier (63 Flex channels) to Total TV - Channel Discussions.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Am2k wrote:
Thanks I got my channel comparison list from Rogers. Doesn’t look like I’ll be missing anything. 

It's be interesting to hear from you regarding how accurate those lists are.  As I mentioned in the OP, the lists they sent me were useless and inaccurate.

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