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Seeing one of the below error codes on your Rogers StreamingTM screen? Read on to learn what it could mean and how to resolve the issue.


Error Codes



“Unable to connect to service. Please ensure the cable connections are tightly secured. Next, unplug from electrical outlet, wait 10 seconds, and plug back in to restart.”

  1. Login to your MyRogers account and refresh your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box(es).
  2. Unplug your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box(es) then plug them back in.


Unable to connect to On Demand. Please ensure the cable connections are tightly secured. Next, unplug from electrical outlet, wait 10 seconds, and plug back in to restart. Then, retry your selection.

  1. Login to your MyRogers account and refresh your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box(es).
  2. Unplug your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box(es) then plug them back in.


“Unfortunately, this isn’t working. Make sure your HDMI cable is connected to a HDCP-capable device. Or, if your set-top box has a component video connection, you can use a component cable to connect to your TV.”

You may see this error code if you’ve connected your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box to an audio device (like a receiver) or other equipment to your system that’s connected to your TV. Try the following troubleshooting methods:

  1. Restart the Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box and your TV.
  2. Make sure your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box is directly connected to your TV and not through your audio device or other equipment.
    • If directly connecting your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box to the TV causes the error to go away, the device it was connected to before is likely incompatible with the latest version of HDCP. Contact the manufacturer of that device to see if there are any updates available to help resolve the issue. If not, it will need to remain disconnected.

  3. Check the side of your HDMI cable to make sure it’s labeled Ultra High Speed. You may experience issues when using older cables – cables labeled Standard should not be used.
  4. Check if your TV’s manufacturer has any firmware or software updates available. This will ensure you have the latest version of HDCP available for that device installed.
  5. If you have a 4K UHD TV, the HDMI port may be set to HDMI 1.4 by default. Check your TV manufacturer’s support site for instructions on how to enable HDMI 2.0a and the latest version of HDCP for your TV. This is the preferred configuration for Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Boxes.


“Please give us a minute... There seems to be a connection issue here. Sorry about that. We'll try and resolve the issue on our side. In the meantime, please check that your Gateway connection is tightly secured. If the problem persists, try restarting your Gateway.” 

You can follow these on-screen instructions, or try the following troubleshooting methods in sequence:

  1. Check that your internet is currently working. If it’s not, try troubleshooting your Rogers Xfinity Gateway modem.
  2. Check your Xfinity app to confirm you haven’t accidentally disabled the Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box by pausing the profile it’s connected to. If this the case, unpause the profile and move your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box to your Household profile to avoid this issue in the future.
  3. If your Rogers Xfinity Gateway modem is in a different room than your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box and TV, try moving them closer to the each other.


App error codes

You may see an error code pertaining to one of the apps integrated with Rogers Streaming. Read on to learn what it could mean and how to resolve the issue. 




“Sorry, we're having some trouble. This app is not available right now. Please try back again in a little while.”

If you see this message, try restarting your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box.



“Sorry, we’re having trouble with this app. Try restarting your TV Box then open the app again. If you’re still having issues, give it some time and try again later.”

If you see this message, try restarting your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box.


“Sorry, we ran into some trouble. Please close the app and then re-open from the Apps menu. If the problem persists, try restarting your set-top box.”

If you see this message, try restarting your Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Box.

NW-2-5 (Netflix Only):

“Couldn’t connect to Netflix. Please try again or restart your home network and streaming device. For more information, visit Code: nw-2-5.”

This error can happen if you’ve bridged your Rogers Xfinity Gateway modem to use an eero or third-party WiFi solution.

  1. Make sure your Rogers Xfinity Gateway modem and eero or third-party solution are configured to use the same WiFi network name and password.
  2. Turn WiFi off instead of bridging the Rogers Xfinity Gateway modem, and then put your eero or third-party solution into access point (AP) or bridged mode so devices get IP addresses from the Rogers Xfinity Gateway modem.



If none of the methods resolve the issue please create a new post in the Rogers Xfinity TV board. Provide the error message & steps you have already taken.



Version history
Last update:
‎11-05-2024 10:04 PM
Updated by: