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Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

I'm a senior contributor

We subscribe to home and away voicemail. We also subscribe to the feature which automatically sends a new voicemail to our email accounts, a great feature when you are travelling. Normally, when a new voicemail is received, we receive the email notifications with a minute or two. Lately, these notifications are being received a full 6-7 hours AFTER the voicemail was left. This is very disconcerting, especially in the event of an emergency message.  




***Edited Labels***


Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications


Hey @Dugi,


Receiving your voicemail messages via email is an awesome feature that I take advantage of as well. That long of a delay is extreme and I haven't had the same experience with my notifications. Has anyone else in the Community noticed a delay?


We'll need some more information to see if we can get to the bottom of this.

  1. When did you first notice this problem?
  2. Do you have voicemail to SMS setup? If so, is that delayed as well?
  3. If you login at, is the timestamp for received correct or does it correlate with your email notification delay?


Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

I'm a senior contributor

Thanks for your reply. The problem has just occurred within the past few days. I first noticed it on May 6. We do not use texting to notify us of new voicemails, only email. The timestamp at shows the time of the call, not the time of the email notification. The last timestamp shows a voicemail at 11:27 AM while the email notification was received at 6:56 PM. 

Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I also usually get my e-mail notifications right after the VM is left. The notification is in my inbox within a minute.


I have noticed that on rare occasions, I get an e-mail from someone that was sent several hours before I get it in my in-box. This is not specifically related to Rogers Home and Away Voicemail - just some random e-mails.  I suspect that Rogers/Yahoo are working on their servers when this happens. Sometimes if I try to login to webmail, I can't get in for a short period of time and again, I assume this was a temporary glitch.  


I'd say, if this continues, you may wish to keep track of the time of calls and time e-mail was received and report it here and perhaps at Yahoo?

Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

I've been here awhile

Yesterday (May 8, 2019) at 6:51pm I got a notifcation email for a message that was left on May 6, 2019 at 10:42am.


I would say that getting a notifcation almost 2.5 days after is was left, is a bit useless.


This is my first experience with delayed notification. 

Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

I'm a senior contributor


Thank you for your reply and verifying that I am not the only one experiencing this issue. We have now had 2 experiences with a delayed notification.  

Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

I'm a senior contributor

@57 wrote:

I also usually get my e-mail notifications right after the VM is left. The notification is in my inbox within a minute.

So do we! This issue just started a few days ago.


@57 wrote:

I'd say, if this continues, you may wish to keep track of the time of calls and time e-mail was received and report it here and perhaps at Yahoo?

This exactly what I did in my reply to @RogersTim in his reply to me. 

Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

Hello @Dugi & @ctothill,


We appreciate you confirming the details of the delayed voicemail notifications while using our Home & Away Voicemail service. I agree that receiving the notification so late after the voicemail has been left is not conducive, especially if the matter is urgent.


If possible, can you please send us a PM via @CommunityHelps so we can submit a ticket for investigation? The more incidents that are reported, the better for our investigation. Smiley Happy


For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, please CLICK HERE.


Thank you,

Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

I'm a senior contributor


We received 3 voicemails today and all came within a minute of the actual phone call. I therefore have to assume that it was a temporary glitch somewhere along the way, but all is well now. Thanks for your offer to investigate.

Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

I've been here awhile

I also got a voicemail notificaion today and it was in my inbox at the exact time of the message,


So given that I would also have to assume this was something temporary.


If it should happen again I will drop back in on this thread or PM.

Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

Thank you @Dugi and @ctothill for keeping up posted!


Hopefully the delay doesn't resurface again ðŸ™‚.






Re: Home and Away Voicemail - Delayed Notifications

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

So far it's one time only, however, the delay appears to have resurfaced.  All my other e-mail notifications came right away last week, however, on Sunday night a friend left me a voicemail at 7:15PM and it didn't get to my inbox until 03:35AM, 8 hours later.  That's the time-stamp on Webmail. (The "sent" time was 7:15PM)  I saw the e-mail when I logged into Outlook this morning. Here's hoping this is a one-off.


(I did pick up the VM via my phone at around 9PM and deleted it, so it showed on my phone, but the e-mail was definitely delayed. I checked my e-mails around midnight too and it wasn't there and I remembered this thread.)

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