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Comments about the recent community enhancements

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hi Community,


Feel free to leave your commentary about the latest community enhancements here.


Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior advisor

While I'm complaining, please fix the spell checker. I like it, except for one thing, it does not recognize the word "watch", flags it as incorrect, but does not suggest a more "correct" spelling. Smiley Wink

Re: Comments about the recent community enhancements

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)



I just tested this and the word 'watch' didn't get flagged.


Can you give it a shot and post a screenshot, pls?



Re: Comments about the recent community enhancements

@RogersMargaret wrote:



I just tested this and the word 'watch' didn't get flagged.


Can you give it a shot and post a screenshot, pls?



Okay, watch this.



Re: Comments about the recent community enhancements

Rogers Employee
Rogers Employee

I enjoy the new look. But, I can't seem to access my notifications now.

Re: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior advisor

It now takes a few steps to see your notifications.


You see your avatar in the top right corner. If you have notifications, there will be a number there. Click on the number and a panel opens up on the right.  Click the bell or envelope at the top of the panel for your notifications.

Re: Comments about the recent community enhancements

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

@OLDYELLR - I'll have to open up a ticket with Lithium for this because I can't replicate the issue when I type 'watch'.  Stay tuned.


@lockdown2341 - notifications can be found by clicking on your avatar at the top right of the page.  If you have any notifications/PMs, you should see a number next to your avatar.  Here's what mine looks like:



Re: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior advisor

I don't really see it as an improvement, but will try to work with it for now.


Some pros and cons:


Pro -


There was a bright yellow smiley at the top of the editor in the toolbar that a lot of people mistook for inserting a smiley icon, which it was not. Now it's gone and there is just the regular smiley.


Probably the camera in the toolbar as opposed to the mountain is a better link for inserting a picture.


Con (there are many, but I'll start with this -


I used to be able to click Message Listing or the forum name at the top or in the navigation panel and get the forum with all threads that had new messages shown as a bold number in the new post column. Very simple. Now I can't see which are the new messages. Am I missing something?

Re: Comments about the recent community enhancements

While on the subject of the spell checker, I notice it uses the American dictionary and flags Canadian spelling as incorrect. While some people prefer American spelling, I think we should be offered a choice.

Re: Comments about the recent community enhancements

Hmm, personal opinion, we live in Canada, the spell checker should be checking for Canadian spelling.

RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior advisor

Previously I could click the forum name or Message Listing and see new posts in bold and view them when I clicked the number. New posts has a [new] tag also. Now all I can do is click "Back to Board" at the bottom and it shows me threads with new posts in bold, but no way to actually see the first new post.  Please add a way to see the first new post like before, or at least bring back the [new] tag. All I can do here is click maybe the last page and hope to see the last new post.






Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

@OLDYELLR Thanks for the feedback.  We'll see what we can do to get the first new post back.  


I'll also look into the spellcheck options.  I wonder if we could switch to English (UK).


Strange because I still can't get the word 'watch' to come up in the spellchecker.


Stay tuned.

Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

Oh no, not UK English! Smiley Mad

Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a reliable contributor

Please no UK English, it would affect words like defense/defence and realize/realise.

Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

Hi Community,


Is anyone else encountering similar cases with the spell checker?


I've tried reproducing the error but unsuccessful. Although our dictionary is currently set as English (US), it still recognizes the variants of many words.



Defence Defense

Centre Center


@OLDYELLR it this still ongoing, and are there any other cases?




Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior advisor



When you click Back to Board any thread with new replies will be in bold text.


1. If there is just one page, just click the thread, which will take you to the first post and then just scroll down and the new replies will have a flesh tone background.


2. If there are just 2 or 3 pages in the thread, the quickest way is the same as above.


3. If there are a lot more pages, you could try clicking the last page or two, but you still may not find the new replies because someone may have answered an older reply. In this case, your only option, unless you want to go through a dozen or so pages, is to open Rogers Community Forums in a new tab, scroll down about half way to the link View All Recent Activity and click that. It will have links to all the new replies in all the forums you haven't seen in bold text. Keep scrolling through all those, page by page, and open each one from the thread you're following in a new tab to read the reply. Once you don't see any more, go back to your Back to Board tab and refresh it.  If the topic you're following is no longer bold, you've seen all the new replies. If it's still bold, go back to your View All Recent Activity tab and keep looking for more.


4. Go to the next bold topic in your Back to Board tab and repeat.



It's that simple. Smiley Frustrated



Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior contributor

@OLDYELLR  My problem is that with the new skinny font they are using, I can barely tell the difference between regular and bold.  Shades of the Navigatr font issues from August!

Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior advisor

I agree the bold font now is less discernible than before.  The focus now in looking 'modern' with more graphics.


Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior contributor

@OLDYELLR As opposed to making it easier to find, navigate and understand a mass of information.

Re: RE: Comments about the recent community enhancements

I'm a senior advisor

Well, I've been using the method I described in Post 16 to find new messages for almost a week now and I have to say it's very tedious and not even 100% reliable. Going to the View All Recent Activity link this morning I saw several posts flagged as "new" that I had already seen yesterday. What gives? We seem to be getting into a Navigatr situation here. Please put a rush on getting the New Messages column back in the Back to Board view.

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