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Carry over data

I've been here awhile
Why is Rogers not letting unused data able to carry forward from month to month? We paid for it. Every month is different with usage. 30+ year customer and getting the I don't care feeling from Rogers. I use my phone as a Wi-Fi hub at the lake to run my TV and computer during the summer, it would be nice to have the carry forward unsed data. We are the most expensive Wi-Fi, internet and cable in the world. How about a break for your customers.

Re: Carry over data

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Good Day @tcvaughan


Thanks for your contribution to our Community Questions and Discussions board! 😊 30+ years is eons and I can assure you we most certainly appreciate your loyalty and tenure with us! As we're always looking to improve our quality of service(s) and products, we most definitely welcome the feedback.


Have you heard about our Rogers Infinite Plans? I'm curious to know what wireless plan you're currently on as we have introduced our Infinite Plans with unlimited data quite some time ago. I've had my plan for awhile now, and I must say, unlimited data has been super handy!


Our Rogers Infinite plans offer unlimited data. They have a set amount of high-speed data. If you use all of your plan’s data allotment, you can use unlimited data at reduced speed (up to 512kbps). The plans offer 5G and 5G+ (or 3500 MHz spectrum) network access. That way, you’ll never have to worry about running out of data or getting overage charges on your bill. A win-win if you ask me!


I found a super helpful article with some additonal information regarding our Rogers Infinite Plans here. In the event that you are looking to make a price plan change, you can do so via MyRogers by following these instructions or alternatively, feel free to connect with us via our Social Media Platforms, Live Chat or by calling in as well.


I hope this helps! 



Re: Carry over data

I've been around

Your answer is not responsive to the question.  The question is why doesn't Rogers carry over unused data from one month to the next instead of simply pocketing that and causing the data actually used to be that much more expensive.  Your service is the highest price utility I have ever seen - $/GB is ludicrous - made worse when unused data doesn't carry over to be used in the next month.

Re: Carry over data

I've been here awhile
Because they are the want more money Tcvaughan. Even if taking more money from you will reduce your quality of life without increasing theirs.

Re: Carry over data

I've been here awhile
Good observation xyz55. Rogerjo didn't answer the original question but thought maybe Tcvaughan would benifit from purchasing some more services.
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