09-03-2017 02:08 PM
Hi! Rogers provides support for Apple's wifi calling service, which is great and I love it - as it makes my connection much better in places like basement.
But 1 feature is missing - it's called "Wi-Fi Calling on iCloud-connected devices". You can read more about this here - https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT203032. Please, do not mix it with similar feature which allows you devices to accepts calls when your phone is nearby. The feature I mentioned is different, kind of an upgrade to this one - it allows all your devices under same iCloud account to actually receive calls even when your phone is not nearby or even switched off. So far, it is support in USA by AT&T, Verizon and some others, but by now one in Canada.
I wonder if Rogers knows about this and has plans to implement it for Apple users. I would really appreciate this - because it allows me to work on my MacBook and take and receive calls even when my phone is not with me.
09-03-2017 05:50 PM
Hi @ezaritov,
Thanks for your post, and welcome to the Community Forums!
I've heard about this feature, and while it definitely sounds super useful, it's not something we currently offer.
If we do have news to share regarding this, we'll be sure to share on the Forums!
Stay tuned!
09-03-2017 10:11 PM
I believe it works, I do not know if it works dependently of Wi-Fi Calling or independently of Wi-Fi calling but I DO know that when my wife is connected to Wi-Fi Calling with her iPhone, and her iPad is connected to the same gateway/network, the call will ring on both her iPhone AND her iPAD simultaneous and she can choose to answer it on her iPAD which she has done in the past if she happened to be in the TV room and her iPAD was near by but her iphone was perhaps in the bedroom. Now since I am NOT an apple expert nor an apple guy, I do not know if theses were regular voice calls over the cellular network or if they were iMessage or Face Time calls, since I do not do any of that but it DID work up untill my 2 year old daughter broke our iPAD by throwing it down the stairs.
09-03-2017 10:13 PM