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Politics, News, CRTC, and what do we know about our services (the most important part)

I'm a senior advisor

It was suggested that the whole discussion of politics and news stations in SD, but not HD be brought over to the lounge, which makes sense.


But I am not going to talk about politics, instead, I did some research and found references to what does the CRTC mandate


Well the reality is that they don't mandate much at all, other than things in the following:


(note, on their site, there is description of how they came to this and the final outcome - most providers chose to include the US 4 + 1 Over the Air Broadcast networks because if I recall, the figure was that some 97% of Canadians can get some variation of these networks, and that the companies indicated that if they didn't provide these as basic cable and broadcast, there would be a revolt - I am sure there would be - if 97% can get them over the air, plus the basic provides access to all local and mandated stations, why wouldn't you just put up an antenna rather than pay add on fees.


Note that no specialty news network, including CBC News is included - just local stations that are broadcast over the network, and that the basic channels must include a mix of over 50% Canadian content, and there is a formula for that too.


The Starter, packages and their content:

From 2016 at


Affordable basic package

What does the affordable basic package include?
It must include:

  • local and regional television stations;
  • channels of public interest such as the Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC) and Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN);
  • educational channels; and
  • community channels and services operated by provincial legislatures, where offered.

It may also include at no additional charge:

  • local AM and FM radio stations;
  • other Canadian over-the-air stations (for a maximum of 10);
  • stations affiliated with American commercial networks (ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC) and PBS;
  • educational channels of another province or territory in each official language (if no educational channel is offered).

Does the affordable basic package include American networks like ABC, NBC and CBS?
Not necessarily. Service providers do not have to include those channels in their affordable basic package. But some service providers may include them.

We encourage Canadians to shop around and negotiate with service providers to get the services they want at an affordable price. The CRTC has made it easier for Canadians to switch service providers and take advantage of a more competitive marketplace: Canadians no longer have to give 30-days’ notice prior to cancelling these services.


Approved channels in Canada


Here is an information section that currently describes all channels currently approved for broadcast in Canada


You will note there is no reference to HD versus SD, or even analogue - yes, there are still some analogue broadcasting over the air stations out there both in U.S. and rural repeaters and stations.


A very important reference document for all people is the following - these are the things that we all need to know and must be in the contracts, and anything outside of it that contradicts any portion is a violation of regulations such as the Wireless Code, but there are other regulations around Internet, Cable and Telephone.


These frame our rights to access in how contracts are formed for our services


A historical reference to Fox News is the hoax stories about CRTC not permitting their network in Canada - in reading over the information, as it was a news station, they wanted to make a Canadian version of it, but it didn't meet the Canadian content requirements, so was declined and Global was talking about making a similiar network framed on the viewership preferences that would follow a network of that type.


Ultimately, it was approved as a US speciality network, and if it was included in a package, it had to balance out with the requirements of Canadian content across the mix to exceed 50%.


No reference to HD or SD exists anywhere that I can find, so it must lie in the carriage licenses.


So, there is the information, currently available - as I said, no politics, but some important information for us all to be aware of.


Most important for the average consumer of services is here:


On the topic of legalities thought - back in 2004 when Al Jezeer and Fox News were approved, carriers were required to keep an audio and video copy of all broadcasting, with their primary concern that laws around Anti-Semetic messages not be violated.  In other words, any broadcast in the Canadian Market must not violate any existing broadcast rules or Canadian law.


And a final note - I cannot find anything that references that CRTC makes any decisions on SD or HD or 4K - that is broadcasting and their primary goal back in 2004 was to increase digital content, no reference to SD or HD.


So it appears that decision lies with the companies and the carriage holders and carriage license conditions.


It is there business and whether they broadcast a station or not, and what format, whether it is available on line, can be broadcast, seems to lie in the commercially negotiated agreements, and there are somethings that are mandated by CRTC related to the starter package content, and mix of packages they distribute, but from what I can see there are very few CRTC defined restrictions on Content, except for the traditional Canadian content requirements.


So each of us has the right to believe what they want, but I will draw my opinion from the regluations, and I just don't see much there, except for quite a lot of restrictions on companies to promote competition and to remove restrictive practices that restrict our ability to move easily and to force the companies to communicate in a clear manner, their responsibilities, and ours.

@OLDYELLR  does that fit your desire to read one of my essays? Smiley LOL




Re: Politics, News, CRTC, and what do we know about our services (the most important part)

I'm a senior advisor

@BS wrote:

A historical reference to Fox News is the hoax stories about CRTC not permitting their network in Canada - in reading over the information, as it was a news station, they wanted to make a Canadian version of it, but it didn't meet the Canadian content requirements, so was declined and Global was talking about making a similiar network framed on the viewership preferences that would follow a network of that type.


Ultimately, it was approved as a US speciality network, and if it was included in a package, it had to balance out with the requirements of Canadian content across the mix to exceed 50%.

That's interesting. CNN is a mandatory carriage channel on basic cable, along with CBC News and CTV News. I like to watch the news on the small dining room TV with a DTA at breakfast and lunch and only have those 3 channels, all pretty much left of centre or more,  to toggle through. It would be so much better to also have Fox News for balance on basic cable without having to add a subscription and only seeing it on the big TV.  I can actually watch Fox News on Youtube on my smart TV, but that's not the same thing.

Rogers PayGo. Location: S-W Ontario

Re: Politics, News, CRTC, and what do we know about our services (the most important part)

I'm a senior advisor

You must still be on one of the old packages - On my DTA, I get only the same channels as the starter package that does not include any of the additional news networks - CBC or CTV (not speaking of the the news shows on those networks, but their speciality ones)


CNN is available as a bonus channel on the Popular and included in Premier (similiar mixes as old Basic, but somewhat changed) Fox in the Premier.


So you don't get CNN by default in any package except for the premier.


My point was that this decision is a corporate decision related to one or two parties - Rogers and CNN, and Rogers and Fox News. 


They are both optional above the starter package and that is the only mandating that the government does is the the local channels, a French channel, AMI and a couple of others.  They don't even mandate Canadian news speciality channels - it is Rogers choice to put those in the select package.


I am not privy to their bean counting and suspect that every decision is a money decision, like Viceland actually going out of business, but would it have been carried much longer anyway.  Obviously the BDU's wouldn't pay them what they needed to stay in business or there was just not enough subscription to it.


Keep asking for it, and maybe you will get the Fox News both in the popular alongside CNN - but you would have to pay for one of them, or Premier, you get both.  But enjoy it the others on your DTA for as along as you can - don't change your plans or you will get the starter on there.


Currently cheapeast way to get both is the theme pack for US news - 10.00 theme pak, or get it all in the Premier pak.


Personally, I just enjoyed reading about how CRTC worked with BDU and public to come up with the Starter, and stand alone and theme paks concepts.


There is an interesting comparison of the packages of starter plus stand alone - basically no channels I would choose anyway where as the popular package includes tons of stuff I would never watch - if I stay with Cable, and that is a big if - only a great deal got me to stay last time - I will probably be doing Starter with some standalone or theme paks.  It may cost more than the other paks, but I pay for what I want to watch, not what they decide.


For me, this is all theoretical anyway - I rarely watch the news and don't get a paper either. City Pluse comes on by default and I get a glimpse in a few minutes before I walk away.  For that matter, TV isn't even on that much.


Yes, it is all interesting, but I don't what the algorithms that determine what will be there or not, so my dollars and preferences decide.





Re: Politics, News, CRTC, and what do we know about our services (the most important part)

I'm a senior advisor

@BS wrote:

You must still be on one of the old packages - On my DTA, I get only the same channels as the starter package that does not include any of the additional news networks - CBC or CTV (not speaking of the the news shows on those networks, but their speciality ones)


CNN is available as a bonus channel on the Popular and included in Premier (similiar mixes as old Basic, but somewhat changed) Fox in the Premier.

I have a grandfathered VIP package. CNN is included and as far as I can remember, CNN was there ever since I've had cable. Back then CNN was a politically neutral network, but now it's clearly left wing,  That's why I question its easy availability. I can toggle between CTV News, CBC News and CNN with my DTA, but not Fox News. As they say, "The World Has Changed" and it's gone down hill to the Left.  You can see all the gripes, pro and con, all over Social Media.

Rogers PayGo. Location: S-W Ontario

Re: Politics, News, CRTC, and what do we know about our services (the most important part)

I'm a senior advisor
Yes the world has changed. Downhill to the left. I choose not to view the world that way. As a person with severe PTSD it is too easy for me to go down the road of viewing our world as a negative place all driven by government media and social groups. But for me my life looks better each day as I learn to live with this world. I don't live in the world of my parents. Two world wars one depression both dead by 56 and 67.i have outlived my father but got his PTSD and in 7 years I will olive my mother. I have a home a car a wonderful life with wonderful children and my three siblings and I all live with chronic illness two of us on fixed income two lucky enough to have assets and great pensions but we have healthcare and family and that is why I generally ignore the news. It is no longer news with quality journalism on either side. It is closer to entertainment to build a negative view of the world. So add fox news if you can. My understanding is they don't allow add ons on old packages anymore. As for HD keep asking but enjoy it whoever you can get it in what form you can get it. For whatever reason it just isn't something that the bdu's chose to set up or maybe it is fox. I don't know and don't think we will ever know.

Enjoy the sunrise family and friends do the best I can with the lot in life I have been given and CNN versus fox. Can live without them and soon will as I let cable go and go back to local television.

Just my point of view. After years of treatment I can't afford to view the world as going downhill. It is an unhealthy view of life for me with my mental health and the news really does not reflect much of my day to day life.

My health my family and community are my immediate life. And I have never been to war lived through a depression and in general my health and life is better than my parents had it and I have as severe illnesses as they had better health care and their news was a radio letters from afar and newspapers. My parents would get a real laugh out of this whole debate of news stations HD or SD because they had a high degree of humour in coping with their lives. Enough essay. I thought I was moving on.

Take care everyone enjoy life a bit and here's to choice in what we consume and our view of our world and immediate life in front of us each day and in each moment.


Re: Politics, News, CRTC, and what do we know about our services (the most important part)

I'm a senior advisor

Even if I could add Fox News to my grandfathered VIP package, I could not see it on my small kitchen/dining room TV with a DTA, where I watch the news channels. That is unless the CRTC has a drastic change in policy and adds it to mandatory carriage among the lower channel numbers. But I can watch it live streaming on YouTube on my laptop or Smart TV anytime, in HD even. Smiley Happy

Rogers PayGo. Location: S-W Ontario

Re: Politics, News, CRTC, and what do we know about our services (the most important part)

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@OLDYELLR wrote:

Even if I could add Fox News to my grandfathered VIP package, I could not see it on my small kitchen/dining room TV with a DTA, where I watch the news channels. That is unless the CRTC has a drastic change in policy and adds it to mandatory carriage among the lower channel numbers. But I can watch it live streaming on YouTube on my laptop or Smart TV anytime, in HD even. Smiley Happy

This is an issue specific to Rogers Cable only. Just for the record, the Competitors do not believe in using a DTA, they will offer their customers a full fledged Set Top Box which ALL the channels you subscriber to can be viewed on in any room in your house. This is a major difference between Rogers and its competitors, but you also must note, Rogers was the only TV provider which Offered Analogue cable, and they offered Analog as long as they could, while other TV providers were not around as long as Rogers were, they were able to launch their service with complete digital TV service, and not just that, some even launched IPTV service from the start, while Rogers is just figuring out how to switch over to that. 


They have had their challenges, so don't fault them for being around as long as they were. it costs money to change technologies

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