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Viewing Edits

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I know with our own, we are supsosed to be able to go back and see what our own edit history is.


Are we suposed to be able to go and see what OTHERS edit history is?   Seems sort of.. shouldnt be that way, as if its edited for bad content, etc.. means that the person could just go there to see that bad content then, etc.


Re: Viewing Edits

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

That's not supposed to happen. Where are you seeing edit history?


Re: Viewing Edits

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
IHR brought up that he could see his own, then said he could see others. I tested it that I could see all the edit history on his post, edits done by a Rogers moderator too

Re: Viewing Edits

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

So after looking into it, turns out that viewing the edit history is something that's always been a part of our community. It's about being transparent. 

Re: Viewing Edits

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
Aha. Sort of defeats the purpose of editing them for content then 😛

Re: Viewing Edits

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Agree but I would guess that few people actually review the edit history. I'm going to have to look into it more because it may change how often we edit vs. remove. Honestly, I didn't know it was viewable to anyone who is signed in even though I think it's great that it's open for review.

Re: Viewing Edits

in my opinion, the edit history for postings I have made could be useful.  But I have never had to access such a history in the past.  Perhaps in future I could see the utility of doing so.


I do utilize my edit history within a different context, when coding, for example.  There, it can be not only useful, but essential to recover from a failed attempt to correct a coding problem or to retrace my steps and attempt a different approach at resolving a bug or issue in my code.


I do not, however, like the idea that others can see my edit history.  Only my latest edit has been deemed  worthy by me of seeing the light of day.  I own that text, and I have the prerogative to make that decision.


It is not like I am writing some earth-shaking piece of prose, or some artistry akin to, let's say a Lennon-McCartney song.  In cases like that, it is possible that historians/researchers would later on wish to delve into the creative process which resulted in the masterpiece being studied.


My posting "masterpieces" likely neither deserve, nor will they get, such future scrutiny!


And then there are quasi-legal issues.  What I write, and then revise, before reposting, should legally remain hidden in my opinion.  I have rethought the matter, and corrected a problem that I determined to be in the text of the original posting. 


My legal responsibility for my erroneous, now corrected statement of my opinions should be left hidden as I intend.



Re: Viewing Edits

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

I'm going to see if it's possible to have user history not visible but still have moderator action/history visible. 

Re: Viewing Edits

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
That I could agree on for admin edits

But I agree with skinorh, that our own edits should not be viewable by others. Say if I get angry and reply badly, say something I shouldn't have, and edit myself to fix it, tht shouldn't still be viewable by others

Re: Viewing Edits

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey guys,

Quick update, I removed the "View Edit History" capability. 🙂

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