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Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Does it seem like sometimes, those of us trying to help and make the community better.. are fighting a loosing battle?

Espeicaly now.. with being a CL.. we have to watch what we say, etc, even more so that before.. and i often have to find myself holding my tounge.. fighting back all the negativity sometimes.


Are all of rogers products perfect? No.. but neither are the other guys.  I can understand voiceing concerns/complaints over a changed feature, etc.. but post and work towards letting them know whats wrong and what needs to be changed...
Most of the time, all you see is "This is the worst! rogers sucks! im leaving if they dont meet my demands" type of posts.


Its hard not to get upset at some things.  Just today, i post a reply, just on some possibilities, as to why the netboxes are rebooting.. and i almost get attacked about it (well maybe not quite, but it feels that way). 

It just seems like anyone who tries to have a positive attitude, is taken as a 'rogers can do no wrong suck up' and is attacked that way.

I know some product need work, or changed.. i dont deny that at all and regularily post saying so.  But im also not going to RAGE about it.

Im sorry for the RANT, i just needed to vent a little.   Gina, if this in inapropriate, please feel free to remove it from here. 


Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?



there are those who do show their appreciation.  And do so in real terms.


I once had a guy PM me to make contact.  He lived not too far away, and he offered to pay for my time to come and help him clear up a number of technical issues he had in his "home" network.  Well, really it was more of a campus network, as he had seperate WiFi access points in three locations, all connected back to his RocketHub.


The amount he paid me hardly covered the gas for me to make the trip to his place.  But it was fun.  And it was rewarding to be appreciated.  Yeah, and good for the ego too to be able to resolve his problems.




Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Love these stories!!

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

Anyone got any good ZEN breathing techneques?

I feel like I am about to go postal on a particular users rear.  😛  I think he goes OUT of my way, so say im wrong 😞
I DONT have a problem with FEATURE or SOFTWARE X.. loads fine.  But since he sees 100s of people say they do, it HAS to be rogers fault, and i am wrong.

HOW can it be the softwares fault.. when it works FINE 100% of the time, on my device?  There is SOMETHING in conjuction with the software, which is causing it.

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)
Yoga works! On the bright side, you were a total rock star replying to DNS peeps last night 🙂

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

I was trying.

At least some of the 'bashers' were trying to give out the information too at the time... now they are all back to the bashing 😛

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

*bangs head against wall*

I have had to hold my tounge so to speak quite a bit lately... i have almost typed some things that may have got me in trouble..

Im pretty much at the point of just reporting posts.. and letting you mods descide if they are going out of bounds now.

I will be glad, when Sept rolls around and some user will potentialy leave, i can only hope.. but i doubt it 😞

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

I'm a senior advisor
I totally just report them and let the mods decide.. I have even done it when people have gone after you...

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
ive been very busy with wedding stuff, so thats why ive been mia. hopefully u will see me here more often

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

I'm a senior advisor

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Congrats! Yours?
You never know.. we havent met, we dont know, pauly could be an old fart, and its one of his kids getting married 🙂


Speaking of old farts.. i'll be married 11 years this year >.<


At least i havent seen as much RAGE lately on the boards.. still the regular complaints, etc.. but less fighting, bickering, ZOMG I AM GOING TO LEAVE, stuff.

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Congrats Pauly!




Gdkitty - agree, much happier place lately. Think it's the fact that spring is near?

Re: Does it sometimes feel like we are all alone?

Certainly anyone who is taking that big step of commitment needs to be congratulated!


Whether it is a grandchild who is the actual direct participant, or that person themselves, the event will, we hope be a joyous occasion for all, and with all the concommitant features now, and in the future: a long-time happy relationship; off-spring to delight and confound (in their teenage years) the whole family, and the unavoidable promise that life goes on.


Ah, promises, promises, promises.  What is that well-known Jewish toast?


Ah yes, l'chaim!


And then there is the Slavic: Na Zdorovie (На здоровье), which my Ukrainian wife prefers.


In whatever language or dialect you do it, there can never be enough of them!




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