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Changes to the community

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey guys,


I wanted to pop in to tell you about some changes we made to the community:


  1. Community blog is LIVE!  You can access the blog from the “Announcements” box in the top right corner.  All future community announcements/news will be posted in the blog.
  2. Updated “Welcome” board with our guidelines, terms of use, etc.
  3. New “Community Archives” board ( which houses old boards such as Community Announcements, Community Feedback, etc.  These boards were either tired, unused, or messy so we’ve archived them and cleaned up the home page in the process.  


We've got some other things in the works that are coming soon:


a. Accepted solutions - Darrell has been working on making accepted solutions bigger/brighter

b. Resident Expert program ... which you all know about now

c. New user ranking - we're replacing the wizard/magician/royalty theme with something a LOT more streamlined

d. New banner to resemble the look/feel on

e. Mobile beta ... improved mobile experience for community users - I'll be inviting you all to participate in a beta program shortly


We've also been doing a LOT of work on getting buy-in and approvals to undertake an entire community re-design.  As you can imagine, it's taken a significant amount of time and we're still not there yet.  But, hopefully, we'll be able to start work on 'renovating the house' in the next few months.


Stay tuned for more!






Re: Changes to the community

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Saw a new banner thing went live today... looks much more along the lines of the new site 🙂

on FF, the page renders correctly.

on IE11 though.. the FRENCH link, which should be on the far right side, is overlaped with the myRogers button.

Re: Changes to the community

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)
Oh dear ... thanks for flagging the IE issue. I'll look into it.
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