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Our kids are constantly growing and learning at a very rapid rate… sometimes it can be hard to keep up!  They are also being introduced to many different types of technology such as gaming, streaming, and frequenting various social media platforms. As parents, it’s never too late to provide them with the right tools and information to help protect them and avoid a possible sticky situation.


The Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst has compiled the following tips for parents and youth (grades 4-6) to help them stay safe online:


Tips for Parents:

  • Start the conversation and keep it going – encourage and ask your kids questions about who they’re talking to online, what they like to talk about and what they’re doing online.
  • Set rules and guidelines for your child to use the device on their own or to have their own device (their first cellphone or tablet) – this helps start the conversation.
  • Discuss the difference between what can and cannot be shared with someone – whether it’s online or in person e.g. home address, phone number, date of birth, their school or even hobbies, favourite foods, shows, etc. especially if it’s someone they don’t know.
  • If you’re helping your child create an account username or screen name – avoid anything that could reveal their full name, age, gender or location.
  • Kids may not even realize that what they’re doing is considered “downloading”. Anytime they want to save something to their computer, tablet or phone, they usually they have to download it first. Make sure your child knows to check with you first before downloading any new games, apps, ring tones etc. 


Tips for Kids:


  • Never share passwords:  Not even with your best friend and be aware of your surroundings when you’re asked to enter a password. Make sure no one is watching or peeking over your shoulder.
  • Treat your secret questions like passwords:  Make sure that your questions and answers don’t require any real personal information that can be easily guessed by others that know you or follow you on social media.
  • Avoid playing free games or doing fun quizzes online that ask for any personal or private information or ask to link to other online accounts like social media profiles.
  • Always remember to sign out of your accounts, especially on public or shared devices and never store your passwords.
  • When online, make sure to only play games, chat, and follow or add friends that you know in real life. It’s important to delete friend requests from people you don’t know personally.


What advice do you have for parents who are looking for tips and tricks on how to ‘start the conversation’ with their kids? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!