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MFA Unavailable

I plan to stick around

Hi there, I made a critical error this morning when I put my grandfathers old desktop through a factory reset (He does not own a cell phone, and uses his computer to keep in touch through e-mail) I thought I had selected the option of maintaining certain important files and cookies related to his e-mail etc. 


After the factory reset I realized I was unable to log back into his Rogers Yahoo! E-mail account and was prompted to enter a code generated through my old cell phone number (I forgot I had done this for him a long time ago) which I no longer have access to and have no other options. I have to recover access to his e-mail for him, it may seem like a small issue however at his age and his reliance upon it he is very worried and I feel awful about it.

1) I have access to MyRogers, and turned off MFA however, MyRogers and Rogers Yahoo! e-mail seem to work as two separate entities and the MFA's are not related.

2) I texted my old phone number taking a shot in the dark explaining my situation and wondering if someone had acquired the number, and could possibly relay the code so I can access the account and then change the MFA parameters. 

3) Anna was completely useless as well as AI generated answers which always ended in the same loop ending up on MyRogers.

4) I have not called Rogers customer service as the opening business hours are later on Sunday, I will do so in a couple hours. 

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly welcomed, I can only hope that seeing as he technically pays for this service that there will be customer support available in the end to by-pass this issue. Thank you


Re: MFA Unavailable

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Robertseanwood : This was discussed in a couple of recent threads - links below.


There is nothing that Rogers will do to change this and you will need to add the wireless recovery number as requested when you try to login to Webmail. This MFA is separate from any others you may have.  You will therefore need a cell phone to receive the text and enter it when prompted.  As discussed in the threads below, you do not need to waste your time trying to contact Rogers to get this situation changed.


Re: MFA Unavailable

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

If you do not get the pop-up prompt to add a wireless recovery number, then you'll need to attempt the login and when you get to the Rogers Member Centre, you'll need to click on "Account Information" and then click "Change Wireless Recovery Number"


Since people often don't bother reading the various threads completely, I'll include the link below with a bit of a summary.

Re: MFA Unavailable

I plan to stick around

I appreciate your response however I don't believe I made my post clear enough as those links are irrelevant. I own a cell phone and the MFA number is linked to MyRogers, this is separate from Rogers Yahoo! E-mail MFA number and seeing as the Rogers Yahoo! MFA number is my old cell phone number, I obviously cannot receive the MFA code via text.

I have exhausted all options and unless Rogers Yahoo! E-Mail tech support is able to physically bypass the MFA log in or physically change the MFA number to coincide with the current MyRogers MFA attached to our Rogers account the e-mail will be lost to the infosphere I guess? To boot, he is also unable to access his Facebook due to being unable to access his e-mail. 

Re: MFA Unavailable

I plan to stick around

There is absolutely no prompt or redirect to anything related to Rogers Yahoo! E-mail on the MyRogers application or the Rogers Member Center, they seem to act as two completely different entities. I have gone through both app and site many times over. The MFA cell number linked to the MyRogers account is different from the MFA cell number linked to Rogers Yahoo! E-mail. It is ridiculous, once again thanks for trying. 

Re: MFA Unavailable

Do not go into MyRogers. As you have stated, it is unrelated to Webmail.  I'm not sure if you read my most recent post above. When you get to the Webmail Rogers Member Centre you'll need to click on "Account Information" and then click "manage MFA".  You should then get the popup below:




You may get some error messages that you'll need to clear or another popup, but you should then get the following pop-up to fill in with your new cell number which will replace your old number.  




The above screenshots may take a few minutes to be approved by the mods.  If you do not get these popups properly, I will include another link below if you have issues with Rogers Websites, which can be related to your browser, or cookies or cache, or VPN, etc.


If all fails and you wish to pursue this further, I suggest you send a Private Message to the mods on this forum:


When logged into the forum, click on @CommunityHelps  .  On the page that comes up, you'll see a link on the top right of the screen to "send a message".  If you're using a tablet or phone, you may need to switch your browser to the desktop version. How to do that will depend on the device but a web search should find it.  There may be some back and forth required while Rogers get your personal information to look into your account.  Personal information is not allowed in this forum.  


When logged into the forum, check the envelope icon at the top right of the screen for messages.  You would usually also receive an e-mail that you have a PM, but it may have ended up in your spam folder...


This may be tricky since it's not your account, but if you have all the information for your grandfather, you may be able to get things fixed.




Re: MFA Unavailable

I plan to stick around

I have just read this reply, and will give this a shot in a few minutes, I will wait for the photos to be approved and get back to you. Thanks again for all your work. 

Re: MFA Unavailable

I plan to stick around

I cannot access Rogers Yahoo! E-mail member center due to needing the MFA number that is no longer in my possession, I feel like I am talking in circles here (I am 33, using a proper desktop, and am usually more than capable of figuring out solutions to these sorts of issues). I have ZERO access to Rogers Yahoo! E-mail, the E-mail is accepted, the password is accepted however I am then prompted to enter a MFA code texted to a number that is no longer available as it is my OLD cell phone number. 

Forum Mods are not going to be able to do anything in this situation, I need tech support to physically access there server, access the account and either turn off MFA on the account or reset it entirely. They definitely 'can' do this, however I doubt they will. I can understand how security would be an issue in his situation but let's not forget the fact that the email is linked to his primary Rogers account which he has owned for over 20 years and with a little digging it is plain as day what happened here from the company's perspective. As previously stated, I highly doubt they will do anything to assist me as they have horrid customer service outside of sales, and I will be passed around to different departments for a few hours. Oh well, it is my fault in the end for not thinking about this ahead of the factory reset. Thanks again 

Re: MFA Unavailable

@Robertseanwood wrote:

I cannot access Rogers Yahoo! E-mail member center due to needing the MFA number 

In an earlier post you stated: "There is absolutely no prompt or redirect to anything related to Rogers Yahoo! E-mail on the MyRogers application or the Rogers Member Center,"


For this reason, I gave you Member Centre instructions.  You do not need the MFA to get to the Rogers Member Centre. What you need is the correct link to get there: 


Try the various links for the Member Centre in the following:


You will need to fill in your e-mail address and Webmail Password to get to the Member Centre.


Once in the Rogers Member Centre, you'll need to click "Account Information" - "Change Wireless Recovery Number" - Link below: (Earlier in this thread I said use "Manage MFA", which may or may not work.






Re: MFA Unavailable

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I added a bunch of information in the post above. Refresh the page to see it.

Re: MFA Unavailable

I plan to stick around

Yeah, as I said I am going in circles here, there is no solution other than what I have previously stated as I have been through everything you have mentioned twice before coming here for help. 

For the final time I will say that The MFA information you are speaking of has absolutely nothing to do with Rogers Yahoo! E-Mail. Managing the MFA in regards to what you have mentioned is only for accessing MyRogers for the sake of your Rogers products (Home Phone, Cell Phone, TV, etc) paying bills, managing subscriptions, it has NOTHING to do with Rogers Yahoo! E-Mail. 

I know this may be hard to believe but there are no solutions other than going back in time and having access to my old cell number OR, tech support bypasses the issue which we both know will not happen. 

Trust me when I say I have tried everything you have mentioned and thought of and more, I CANNOT access anything to do with Rogers Yahoo! E-mail without the code from a number which no longer exists and there is no correlation between Rogers Yahoo! E-Mail, and MyRogers Member Center. I give up, thanks. 

Re: MFA Unavailable

@Robertseanwood wrote:

For the final time I will say that The MFA information you are speaking of has absolutely nothing to do with Rogers Yahoo! E-Mail. Managing the MFA in regards to what you have mentioned is only for accessing MyRogers for the sake of your Rogers products (Home Phone, Cell Phone, TV, etc) paying bills, managing subscriptions, it has NOTHING to do with Rogers Yahoo! E-Mail. 

I don't understand why you would say that. Everything I have posted in this thread - what I have written, the screenshots and the links - have to do with Webmail (Rogers/Yahoo e-mail).  It has absolutely nothing to do with MyRogers.


If you click the two links in my recent post, do those links say "MyRogers" or Rogers/Yahoo e-mail?  Sample link again, below:


If you look at my screenshots - what do they say? They say "Rogers Yahoo".



Re: MFA Unavailable

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

More clarifications follow:  The following screenshots show what the sign-in popup looks like to get into the Rogers Member Centre (I used the link provided in the post above.)  Then there's what the Member Centre looks like,  Then there's what's shown after you click "Account Information" from the Member Centre.  All of this is regarding Webmail (Rogers/Yahoo email)














Re: MFA Unavailable

I plan to stick around

Rogers Yahoo.png

Re: MFA Unavailable

I plan to stick around

I think for the 7th time now I am saying that I cannot access that page you have shown without the MFA number I no longer have access to. I LITERALLY CANNOT GET THAT FAR IN THE PROCESS WITHOUT BEING REDIRECTED HERE. 

There is no way to bypass this, I do not have this cell number anymore and unless they can backdoor this there is no option from the users standpoint. 

The MFA number associated with MyRogers is NOT LINKED to the Rogers Yahoo! E-mail service. 

Re: MFA Unavailable

After a day of trying to bypass the MFA and getting nowhere, and being passed around aimlessly on the telephone after sitting on hold for an hour, I am wondering if tech support has the ability to hard reset the e-mail address? If all documents and mail are lost so be it, at least the address would continue to receive future mail. My grandfather has memory issues and he highly depended on people reaching out to him on that specific e-mail address. There is absolutely no way to bypass the MFA to access Members Centre. Thanks 

Re: MFA Unavailable

Thanks for the update. Please give the following one more try. Click on the following link, then sign in using your e-mail address and webmail password:

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