See link below:
This will likely also affect TV Set Top Boxes. Unless things have changed, hitting "exit" on the IgniteTV boxes will probably not stop the alert, so hit "mute" or "volume-" which should...
Why do I see cellular data usage, even when I have my iPhone SE2020 set with Cellular Data Off? (I also have Cellular Roaming within that setting turned off).
I recently switched from Rogers prepaid plan to Chatr. I did not have any data with Roger...
I saw a few recent posts "hinting" at this, however, I received a text today confirming the following: I've therefore started this thread on the topic.
1. Rogers (and Fido) Prepaid services will no longer be available after December 16, 2024.
2. I...
The first line of the web page says $20/month equipment rental on all these options, however, I believe that should be $27/month, since you're now charging $17/month for the box. Therefore the $25 per month is actually $52/month? Where's the CRTC w...
If you're looking for a list of your channels, see the following instructions:
You can login to MyRogers on a device like a phone or tablet, then go to - TV - "View My Channel Lineup" - view as pdf - forward that to wherever you choose (top right o...
It may be that they are using different audio formats for various segments. If your audio is from a TV, Go to Rogers - Settings - Device Settings - Audio - HDMI Audio Output - Choose Stereo.
Glad to see you were able to copy over the App PW. I mentioned this in point 6 of the following summary post:
It isn't necessary to use sof...
If you do a search of this forum for "vacation stop" or "suspension" or similar terms, you will find that, unlike with legacy digital cable where you could stop TV or Internet or Home Phone for something like $10 each, the vacation stop with Xfinity ...
Just as an FYI, I was recently out of the country on "vacation" and while I was away, there were no "line items" for zero or next to zero data use, as shown in the following sample post: