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Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I'm here a lot

I'm using Rogers Cloud PVR service, I'm noticing that I'll see in scheduled recordings conflicts, seems to happen when there's a lot that turn up in the same time frame.


When I had my own Nextbox at home I remember this, and it made sense to me because the recording was being done in my home, so there would be a limited bandwidth to record shows, so having a maximum of 8 made sense.


But now I'm using Rogers Cloud PVR service, like my home box doesn't need to be on to record stuff, it's recording all at Rogers facilities.


Is there still a maximum of 8 concurrent recordings even with the cloud PVR service?  That wouldn't make sense to me since it's at Rogers servers so there shouldn't be a limit I'd think (or certainly 8 seems a bit small), I get the total 200 hours but 8 concurrent recordings becomes problematic during prime viewing times.


Any thoughts?





Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I plan to stick around

Interesting, Rogers Together with Shaw only allows six simultaneous recordings, I will have to test that to see if it still the case. I also see that Comcast Xfinity users can only recording six.

Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I'm here a lot

I'll have to double check the number, I had 8 stuck in my head because of the limit on Nextbox (which was for sure 😎

Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I plan to stick around

No, you are correct, the Rogers site say 8, Shaw and Xfinity are 6.

Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I'm not sure which programmes you are setting to record, however, many programmes are now available on-demand and therefore don't require recording.  For example, everything on Crave...


If some of the recordings are "single" rather than series, set them at non-prime-time.

Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I'm here a lot

Okay thanks - I did notice that page but it says "You can record up to eight programs in your home simultaneously", but I'm technically not recording them in my home, I'm recording them with their Cloud service (like I could be out on a trip and use my phone to setup a recording and have it work - don't have to be at home), so the real question then is why?  Like why a limit of 8?  As an average that's fine but I'm seeing more and more bottlenecks during prime time in the evenings, in theory there shouldn't be a concurrent limit since bandwidth to the home is no longer a factor...


Anyhow hopefully they can explain or maybe there's some hiccup somewhere...



Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I'm here a lot

Thanks - yes I started converting some stuff over last night, I'm always more comfortable having the recording (which will stay put for a year) in case something happens with the streaming service (and having the recording is a good reminder), so I switched over what I could, but there's a bunch that I don't see available in a streaming service (or there's an on demand service but they only keep a week or two).


I'm going to start using the prioritization feature to put the ones we really don't want to miss at the top.



Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I'm an advisor
When I used to use some of the American online Tv services such as Sling, Youtube TV, etc., there were NO concurrent cloud recording limits (and no set-top box was needed.

Pop Quiz ... What do the numbers 8 and 10 mean to your? I'll give you a hint ... NFL Sunday Ticket.

Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I'm an advisor

Back to the quiz ...

I believe that Rogers allows up to 8 concurrent recordings because back when the NFL aired up to 8 football games in the same 1 pm Sunday time slot, Rogers customers asked to have the lower limit be increased to 8, so that all of those 8 concurrent games could be recorded (using NFL Sunday Ticket).

However, now that the NFL airs up to 10 concurrent games in the Sunday 1 pm time slot, Bell allows up to 10 concurrent recordings (but I think that Bell's recordings are deleted after 60 days max).

If Comcast still only allows up to 6 concurrent cloud recordings, that might explain why Rogers hasn't increased its limit to 10 (to keep up with Bell and DAZN - which I think allows later playback of all the games).

Comcast seems to enjoy ignoring customer requests for improvement, and now Rogers is joined at the hip with these clowns.

Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I'm here a lot
Okay thanks for some of that background.

Wonder if the limit now that it's all recorded in their cloud as opposed to in my home, is just an arbitrary policy decision, or they just didn't think about the fact that there's no reason to have a concurrent limit when everything is happening in their cloud.
It's also possible I suppose they don't want their servers ro get overloaded during prime times, but it seems pretty coincidental that the technical limit would just happen to be at 8 as well, oh well...

Thanks for all the feedback

Re: Maximum concurrent cloud recordings?

I'm an advisor

Youtube TV doesn't even have a storage limit, so you could build up a huge library of content that lasts for up to 9 months. However, although it would be great if Rogers offered an option to pay an Extra $10 for unlimited storage and concurrent recordings, I won't hold my breath waiting for it to happen.

Coincidence or not, even without sports, I occasionally find myself needing more than the 8 tuners my Nextbox 3 PVR has.

I would like the ability to have at least 11 or 12 concurrent recordings. I don't think that's an unreasonable request for cloud recordings.

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