Hello. This is an important message from Rogers at PO Box 9, 1-0-0-Don Mills on Terrio M3C-3P-9. Our contact number is 1-855-862-642-3. This call is in regards to your Rogers Wireless account. Please call us at your earliest convenience at toll-free 1-855-862-642-3 or star 5-6-7-free from any Rogers Wireless device. Our office hours are 7 a.m. to midnight Monday to Friday and 7 30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday Eastern Time. The number again, also conveniently shown on your call display, is toll-free 1-855-862-642-3 or star 5-6-7 from your Rogers Wireless device. Thank you for choosing Rogers as your service provider. Goodbye.