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Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around

Hi, 1st time posting here, however, it's come to a point where Spam Calls and Spam Texts are getting wayyy out of control. I'm talking 5-10 calls/texts per day. That's over 300 spam calls/texts per month. I know Telus and Kudoo have this service, but I'm not willing to switch over just for this 1 feature. I've been a Rogers user for probably 25+ years now.


For those that don't know what Call Control is, it's a feature where when someone calls you, they have to hit a certain number on their phone to get through to you. A lot of spam-auto-bot dialers don't have a keypad accessible and this requires human interaction to get through to the individual, eliminating spam calls.


I would looooove this feature and even willing to pay for it. These spam calls are disruptive and ruining our lives, taking precious time away for calls that are meaningful or business or work related.


I've included some pics of examples of how disruptive this is. All the numbers shown are spam calls.


Thank You!



Spam Call Log 1Spam Call Log 1

Spam Call Log 2Spam Call Log 2



Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?


Hello, @AdamJ82.


We're delighted you joined our Community. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback and for your loyalty to Rogers over the past 25 years. We truly value your suggestions and understand the inconvenience caused by spam calls. We're committed to providing our customers with the best experience possible, and your input plays a crucial role in that effort.



Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

Do you plan to implement this feature soon?

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around

I agree. They should have this feature. 

The alternative is using an application called RoboKiller until Rogers implements this feature. 

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around

I too have seen a serious uptick in what the masses call "robo-dialers" from various sources. I get a call every 2 weeks in Chinese even. Something about a fake Chinese passport? 


Here is my story, I switched to Telus for a couple years from Rogers due to a bundle deal in my previous condo. They offered me this "call control" feature that made all calls press a button on first call. It even saved numbers once they verified themselves once and you could manually add numbers to a white list such as my buildings door buzzer and family.

I switched back to Rogers last year when I moved and Telus was no longer the best option. I found the Rogers bundle pricing actually better than Telus and love the internet options, however... I miss the Telus call control feature so very much. The same week I switched over to Rogers I started getting phone calls again from dubious sources. I get everything from fake Canada revenue to spam calls from some voting offices and even several live people with heavy accents I know are not legit.


It does almost make a person want to switch back. And the feature Rogers offers to say "Likely spam" is great until the call wakes you up at 7am or rings constantly while on important work calls. 


IMO this is the captcha of mobile phones and Rogers and other carriers should get into the implementation of it. 


Please for our sanity implement something similar. 🙂

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions, @Nazrac! We appreciate you taking the time to post them here. 




Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around
Hello, former Telus mobility customer here, I was off contract and given Roger's pricing thought id switch to give them a try after 20+ years of Telus. All I can say to anyone reading this is that if you are like me and value your time, DONT BOTHER SWITCHING TO ROGER'S untill they add this feature. Before Telus had this feature I was receiving non-stop spam/scam calls, once it was implemented my spam/scam calls literally went to zero. I will admit that i was definitely shocked when I learned that Rogers dosen't have this feature included as Telus does and learned that fact when I switched and immediately started receiving calls again. I have found over the years that different people place value on different things, some only care about money, some only care about getting that next best thing that everyone else has, some are super vain and care only about the clothes they wear and the way they look to others, some care only about themselves and will do anything to get ahead/step on others and use people if its to their benefit (sociopaths im looking at you) but for myself, of all the above listed things that I value most in my life its TIME. The reason for this is that its the one thing that I have a limited amount of. I cant make more of it, one day my life will be over, so do I want to look back on my life and remember all the . ways my time was wasted and stolen from me by others? or do I want to look back fondly remembering how well I spent my time enjoying my experiences / work / friends and family. I will gladly take the latter of these two options and not waste my TIME with numorous spam/scam calls. And to all you reading this who think "jeez guy just mute your phone and ignore it" yes easy to do if answering your phone dosen't literally dictate weather you will be able to pay your rent or buy your groceries month to month like me, lucky you. All I can hope is that someone out there reading this is saved the frustration and time that will be wasted if they make the switch to a service provider like Rogers that dosen't offer this. Sorry Roger's I like your pricing but without this one feature you've lost a new client, i will gladly give Telus more money per month and trade my money for my very very precious TIME.

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around

It is absolutely absurd that this isn't an option. I was convinced by a Rogers rep to switch over from Fido because I was getting 10+ spam calls a day and even though they were blocked it would go to my voicemail and fill it up, leading me to clean out my voicemail inbox 2+ times daily. And now it's the same situation but with a Rogers number. Get it together, how can you own stadiums but not put in the minimal effort your competitors do?

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been here awhile

This reply basically doesn't address the question.  We all want to know - when can we expect Call Control??

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around

My household is dropping Rogers and going to Telus. Problem solved 

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

same. use to be with Fido. moved to telus. not a single spam call since the move. even with Rogers win back offer. I feel want to stick with telus due to Call Control

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

Rogers did not even answer the question - therefore, it is just AI - so what is the point of this forum? 

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

You know what? Rogers CAN add Call Control to its Wireless service, however I can assure you, they have to add it for EVERYONE and might increase fees, and im sure most of the complaints will be: why did my bill go up?  most people are aware of the spam call and although it is a problem, it is more of a nuisance than a problem because it does not affect the quality of your service.

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been here awhile

I recently switched from Telus to Rogers and am considering switching back to Telus, even though the reception is much better with Rogers, where I live. I had control, and it was amazing. Now I am getting so many scam calls, even real people scam calls, that I just feel like I am going crazy. I have searched for the Call Control feature and realized Rogers doesn't offer it, so I hate it. Rogers needs to take this seriously. 

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around
I just had a conversation with a rogers employee this morning after receiving 11 spam calls in a matter of 3 hours. It’s driving me crazy. What can rogers do about it? Nothing. My question is, are you ever going to offer this feature? I need answers before I get put into a mental facility.

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around

The amount of spam calls I receive is bad enough that I don't even pay attention when my phone rings anymore.

The fact that call control hasn't been implemented yet when Telus has had it for years is silly

Come on Rogers... it's time

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I will be switching providers if this feature is not implemented soon. Im receiving calls every 15 minutes. As a business owner, this is time consuming and quite frustrating.

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been around

Come on Rogers. For a major provider to not have this service looks like you don't have the technology. I expect this from a small company so not sure what the excuse is. The amount of spam calls is a major issue for everyone who has a phone (and doesn't have call control) and I challenge you to prove this is not a problem. You have a very large consumer base so adding this feature should not even cost consumers much and even help you gain more customers if they know you have this feature. 

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been here awhile
I suspect it's because Rogers is paid by various telemarketing companies not to enable this feature.

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been here awhile
I doubt it's coming anytime soon, as being able to tell their business customers that they will not block their telemarketing systems that use robo dialers is a sales tool for these people. The inconvenience to consumers seems to be of little consequence.

Re: Feature Request: CALL CONTROL - Telus & Kudoo have it, why not Rogers?

I've been here awhile

I just checked...13 out of my last 15 incoming calls were spam. Every one of them would have been stopped by Call Control (the feature that requires the caller to push a random number before the call is connected).
I'm halfway through my current agreement. Gives Rogers 12 months to implement call control or I'll simply walk over to a competitor. My phone is a Pixel 8 Pro and will still be quite up-to-date enough for me to not even need to worry about upgrades or discounted device offers. I'll just move my number over to a company that can be bothered to provide useful features. Almost all of the others have this.
Ball's in YOUR court, Rogers. When is Call Control coming? (Hint: the correct answer will contain an actual DATE, not a platitude.)

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