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If you’re a current Indigenous customer, you may qualify for tax exemptions on your future Rogers bills.


A provincial and federal tax (GST/HST/QST/PST) exemption is available for all Indigenous customers with “Indian”* Status who live:

  • on a reserve, or
  • off reserve temporarily to attend post-secondary education (e.g., university, college).


In Ontario, a tax exemption on the provincial part of the HST (8%) is available for: 

  • all Indigenous customers with “Indian” Status living off-reserve in Ontario. The federal part of the HST (5%) still applies.


* We understand that many Indigenous customers describe themselves as “Indigenous,” “First Nation,” “Métis,” “Inuit” or “Inuk.” We use the term “Indian” only when referring to the legal definition in the Indian Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5).



What do I need to apply?


To apply as an individual (not an organization), you need these documents:

  • Certificate of Indian Status (copy of front and back) issued by Indigenous Services Canada or
  • Copy of valid Temporary Confirmation of Registration Document (TCRD)
  • Customers living off reserve in Ontario need a copy of an additional piece of valid government-issued photo identification (ID) (such as driver’s license, provincial ID card or Canadian passport).
  • If you temporarily live off reserve to attend post-secondary education, please also include proof of enrolment in a post-secondary institution. 


If your status document is expired:

  • Expired Certificate of Indian Status
  • You can apply with your expired certificate.
  • Expired Temporary Confirmation of Registration Document (TCRD)
  • Please also provide a copy of an additional piece of valid government-issued photo ID.


If your status certificate expires after your application was accepted, you don’t need to re-apply. The number remains the same.


Fill out the tax exemption form



Can I apply as a band or band-run organization?


Yes. To apply for tax exemption for a band or band-empowered entity*, please provide a written request signed by an authorized band official containing this certification:


This is to certify that the property or service being acquired by [Insert name of band or band-empowered entity] is for band management activities or for the real property (land and permanent structures attached to the land) on the reserve. This supply will not be subject to the goods and services tax or harmonized sales tax (GST/HST).


* A corporation, association, or other organization that is owned or controlled by a band, tribal council, or a group of bands.


Fill out the tax exemption form



How does it work?


Your tax exemption will be applied to monthly fees and purchases after your application is approved. It does not affect past bills.


The information on this page is provided for informational purposes to assist you with submitting the required documentation to claim your tax exemption. If there is any discrepancy between it and the requirements of the tax authorities or under the law, the requirements of the tax authorities and/or law shall prevail.



What if I can’t apply online?


If you’re unable to use the online form, you can send your required documents and contact info to us by mail or by fax. Someone will follow up with you to complete your application.


Mailing address:

Rogers Communications 

70 Assomption Blvd 

Moncton NB E1C 1A1


Fax number:




Version history
Last update:
‎08-01-2024 06:17 PM
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