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The lights on your Rogers Xfinity Storm-Ready WiFi equipment and Rogers Xfinity Gateway behave differently depending on the current operating status

Device status and light activity


Storm-Ready WiFi status

Storm-Ready WiFi light

Rogers Xfinity Gateway LED

Battery Backup LED

During activation

Blinking white

Solid white

Blinking white

Working as a WiFi extender (Normal)


Solid white


During network interruption

Solid white

Blinking amber


During power outage

Solid white


Solid white


Normal network operation (WiFi extender)
When there are no outages, Storm-Ready WiFi acts as a WiFi extender. It works with the Rogers Xfinity Gateway and 2nd-generation WiFi Boost Pods (if installed) to provide whole-home WiFi coverage.


Network interruption
During a network interruption, Storm-Ready WiFi provides an LTE cellular internet connection to the Rogers Xfinity Gateway. The Rogers Xfinity Gateway, Storm-Ready WiFi and 2nd-generation WiFi Boost Pods (if installed) continue to provide whole-home WiFi coverage.


Power outage
When the Rogers Xfinity Gateway and 2nd-generation WiFi Boost Pods are down because of a power outage, Storm-Ready WiFi becomes the home WiFi gateway using the LTE cellular internet connection and Battery Backup.

Version history
Last update:
‎12-10-2024 09:58 AM
Updated by: