Try troubleshooting the issue with these steps:
- Test your WiFi connections using the Rogers Xfinity (app).
- Only use pods indoors.
- The ideal spot for your pod is halfway between your gateway modem and the WiFi problem area.
- Avoid placing your pod in the WiFi problem area. Don’t place your pod near other pods, metal objects, speakers, mirrored surfaces and appliances that can interfere with the WiFi signal.
- Avoid areas with moisture such as directly next to a window or door, near a bathtub, sink or washing machine.
- Don’t place your pod inside or behind cabinets and furniture.
- If you have additional pods, try moving or removing them. Each pod should connect to the Gateway rather than another pod. If too many pods are close together, your device may have difficulty choosing which one is best, resulting in lag or slow internet.
- Avoid placing your pod close to heat sources such as a radiator, fireplace, heater or stove.
- Don’t plug a pod into a power bar, extension cord or an electrical outlet controlled by a dimmer or wall switch.
- Restart your gateway modem using the Rogers Xfinity (app). Once your gateway modem is back online, you can also try to unplug and re-plug your pod to refresh your connection.
- Restart your phone, laptop or other connected device and then reconnect it to your home WiFi.