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The following steps explain how to locate your IP address.


Using Windows

  1. To locate your local IP address click Start.
    • In Windows 8 from the tiles screen click Desktop then press the Windows logo + R.
  2. Click Run.
  3. In the Open field type cmd then click OK.
  4. In the command prompt type ipconfig.
  5. Locate your IP Address in the IP Address field.
  6. To find your public facing IP, go to

Using OSX

  1. Click the Apple Icon.
  2. Click System Preferences.
  3. Click Network.
  4. If you are using a wireless connection:
    • Click Wi-Fi.
    • Click Advanced.
    • Click TCP/IP.
    • Your IP address is located in the IPv4 Address field.
  5. If you are using a wired connection:
    • Click Ethernet.
    • Your IP address is located in the IP field.
Version history
Last update:
‎05-25-2023 03:59 PM
Updated by: