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Do you play GTA V?

I plan to stick around

Just seeing if there are any GTA Online players in the community. I'm a regular player of it myself, but lately I find matchmaking and hosting a little difficult. Lack of people is the main thing, but I just feel like I'm not able to connect to as many people  Thinking about contacting Rogers to see if they diagnose the problem or help me out, but I doubt that will do anything.

I host and create maps on it more then anything lately, I got tired of freeroam pretty fast and there are only a few missions I actually enjoy playing.

Rogers doesn't like the pictures I uploaded so I don't think they will like any of my hilarious signatures too.

Re: Do you play GTA V?

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Have you thought of trying to connect with some international players as well? Time differences might be a little difficult, but the pool will be larger.

Re: Do you play GTA V?

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello Punk_Out

I play GTA V a couple of times a week. It seems their online server is having a fee issues as a couple of my buddies and me are not able to get into the online option.

I would love to have something like this happen tho!

Re: Do you play GTA V?

I plan to stick around
It's definitely a problem with the rockstar servers - I have had the same issues lately connecting to people online.

Re: Do you play GTA V?

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello bscrivens

Okay good its not just me & my buddies lol. Yeah it seems like they are having issues letting everyone online. I play just normal now & its kinda getting boring. lol

Re: Do you play GTA V?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
I am sorry but i dont play video games or dont own an ex box or play station but if i was younger i would join u guys in ur online gaming endeavours. The only time i will buy a video game is when my kids are old enuff to play

Re: Do you play GTA V?

I plan to stick around

I don't seem to have some of the same issues like i used to. The one problem I still have are rare "Unknown Connection Error" but it seems okay from last time I played.


I just made this topic to see if there is a possibility that Rogers has a hard time connecting to R* servers because they're in the United States (THIS IS ONLY A THEORY!), but with my lack of resources I could never check. I don't know how things go when it goes through my ISP to R* servers. I know back when I had a slower connection I had massive packet loss that Rogers would say,"but there is no packet loss on your connection" and I would do speed tests with serveral different speed test sites/programs and even Rogers speed test giving me results saying I have packet loss. Updated my Internet and I have 0 packet loss, like I told them I'm pretty sure it was the modem causing unknown packet loss.


After that I thought that my connection woes were gone but I find out R* is to blame for my connection issues on there GTA Online. It's strange that it's the only game that has any connection issues. I'm kind of over it anyways and i barely play GTA V because of it. Rescently though it seems okay, but I still get disconnected in those rare moments.


It would be nice to get an experts opinion on it because all the IT people at R* games are to drunk or high to help me anyway. I think I've made a ridiculous amount of connection issue reports to them with answers that have 0 logic. If they told me what the problem was instead of keeping me in the dark about it I think I would be a little less upset about the issue. It really kills the online experience for me. That's why I tend to play Boarderlands:TPS on my own, so the only thing I can blame is myself. Although I never have connection issues with any game but GTA V online.


Like I said, it's better then before but getting disconnected for unknown reasons is frustrating. Especially when my American friends never have these unknown connection errors and i mean, NEVER!

Rogers doesn't like the pictures I uploaded so I don't think they will like any of my hilarious signatures too.

Re: Do you play GTA V?

Xbox One player here.


I just got to level 32 online! Working my way up in the criminal underworld of Los Santos.


As far as connection issues go, I was having a problem where I'd be the only player in the open world lobby. I realized my NAT settings were set to "Strict". Changed them to open by modifying/opening some ports on my router, and haven't had an issue since. If you need any help with that, a quick google search should be able to help, or PM me and I'll try to assist.

Re: Do you play GTA V?

I've been here awhile

I will be playing GTA V when they release the PC version

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