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Are we still getting the Wireless and TV code mandated document - Key Order Information Document

I'm a senior advisor

The Key order Information Document that I have been receiving with all wireless changes and TV changes up until July, my last two changes - one to cable services, and one to wireless services did not come.


The CRTC mandated under the TV provider and Wireless codes of last year.  CRTC calls it a Critical Information Summary - Rogers labels it as Key order Information, and in the header paragraphs says,

Now, understanding your Rogers account is easier than ever. This document serves as your Critical
Information Summary, and outlines the TV, Internet and/or Home Phone services on your account. It doesn’t
include information on Wireless and Smart Home Monitoring services.


for Home Services, and for Wireless it says.


Now, understanding your Rogers wireless account is easier than ever. This document serves as your Critical
Information Summary and outlines the most important elements of your recent transaction for wireless services.


I did receive the other mandated documents - confirmation of changes to services

For Home

This service agreement only outlines the TV, Internet and/or Home Phone services added or removed during your
most recent transaction. It doesn't include information on any existing residential services you may have, or
Wireless and Smart Home Monitoring services. Please keep a copy of this document for your records.


And for Wireless:

it says, this confirms details of your update Rogers service.


There is also the Terms of service document and for TV, the Channel list in pdf.


When the CRTC implementation was completed last year on TV, Rogers and others tried to argue that the confirmation document and previously provided documents to the customer were enough detail for us to understand, but the CRTC after hearing, decided that they heard the concern, but still mandated the critical information summary.


So why did I not get the document?  Anyone else not receive this document as of recently?


I had to spend almost 6 months due to a bug in the confirmation of changes of services for home services, and so I never did get any of the documents.  I have built my confirmation and detail out of lots of correspondence with the Office of President, and my orginal discussion on my quote on chat and Facebook in writing, and my phone call documentation.


That is why this document is "critical".  It makes it very easy to understand.


Interested in other people's experience.  I haven't received on since July 6 and that one was in error leading to the six months of discussion to just confirm we had the transaction correct, and I finally requested all documents to be manually typed and sent which they agreed to, but it never did come.  I haven't followed up, because I just got tired of it all.  So maybe I am a glitch in the system, or maybe overall.


Hope to hear from others whether you have recently got the Key Order - critical summary document.


Thanks, Bruce





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