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Private messages

I'm a senior advisor

Can you please look into fixing private messages? I hate not having a view of the conversation wheile replying.. Plus they show up a a million separate notes.. It's like email from the 80's but without a preview pane....


Re: Private messages

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Your saying when you say get a PM from lets say me.. and you go to reply to it, you dont see my previous message, below the box where your entering text?

It shows up on mine, in the PM screen.  Unless your talking about something different.

Re: Private messages

I'm a senior advisor
The most recent one does but do all the previous in that chain?

Re: Private messages

I'm a senior advisor
Or when reading the current one it does not show the previous...

Like say I ask you a question and you reply with "yes".. I then have to go back to the inbox and look for the previous message or previous sent message to get context..

Re: Private messages

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Right.  So you mean more like an email, where it Auto adds the previous part into the body (usualy below, indented or what have you).


Yeah, i guess really the only way right now, is if both people, when its going back and forth both ways, are continualy QUOTING each other.

But if one person doesnt, and breaks the chain.. 😛

Maybe have it auto quote when repying?

Re: Private messages

I'm a senior advisor
Really I just want the private messages just to be gmail 🙂

If the PM was actually sent in the body of the notification email and I could reply to that email which would auto reply to the PM that would be great...

Facebook messages currently work this way and I can then just use my gmail interface for inbox management and never have to use the pm inboxes on the forum.
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