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Postings where Rogers response is explicitly requested

I'm an advisor



every so often a Forum member will post and will explicitly request a response from "Rogers".  Although it is my understanding that the Forum was not specifically intended for that purpose, I have seen responses by Moderators to such postings, usually indicating that they will send a PM to the poster.  I assume that the Moderator intends in that way to handle the Poster's issue through whatever means seem appropriate.


Sometimes those postings seem technical in nature, but quite often they deal more with T's & C's or quality of support issues.  So, my opinion is that a Moderator (i.e., Rogers staff) would be the appropriate party to deal with those postings and the issues experienced by that Rogers customer.


Would it be appropriate for us here to agree that by default we will let a Rogers Moderator respond to, and handle those postings?  Subsequently, if in the opinion of the Rogers Moderator there would be value in Forum participants at large to comment on the issue, they could make that point in a response to that posting.


That approach would, in my opinion allow Rogers staff to do what is requested by the Poster, and allow them to deal with what is likely a Rogers customer support and satisfaction issue.  Then if required, they could pass it on to Forum participants at large if that would be a good and appropriate way to proceed.


Please comment so we can all be "on the same page" on this matter.









Re: Postings where Rogers response is explicitly requested

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

If that is the decision.. i will completely abide by it.


But personaly.. as you stated.. that really is not the intent of the forums per say.

They are designed as a coumminity of rogers users, to be able to discuss issues, problems, topics, etc.

If a user, wishes a direct line with rogers.. there is the online chat availble on the website here, or to be able to call in.

In the case recently i just responded to one in the mobile forum.. where a rep had responded via PM to the poster.  Was my post necessary? Maybe not, not to the poster, possibly.
But, the original poster is not always the only one reading the thread, other may look at a later date.  And if the information is posted there about it, that may answer that other persons question, without bringing it up again 🙂  In the case of this poster, some of it was a CS issue, that he might drop the service, etc, so the mod might help keep them with rogers.  I only posted the more technical reasons behind some of the things, that the poster might not have been aware of.

But again, i will go with whatever you guys so choose. 🙂  Hopefuly we can get one of the MOD SQUAD as i like to call them, their opinion on the topic.  But i will go with whatever you guys choose.

Re: Postings where Rogers response is explicitly requested

I'm a senior advisor
I think one option would be for us to report the post to the moderators with a note suggesting that Rogers needs to respond..

One a similar note I do not like when the mods ask the user to PM them and then we never hear what the solution is.. Maybe it was an account issue maybe it was a technical support issue, either way a follow up post might be nice to help others in the future... Reading a question that describes a problem you are having and only seeing a "Hey send me a PM" doesn't really help.

Re: Postings where Rogers response is explicitly requested



my intent was to single out those postings where the matter was specific relating to that Poster's dealings with a Rogers business matter.


I agree that if the resolution is technical in nature, and would potentially be of interest to, and apply to others then a follow-up posting on the resolution would be desirable.


I also assume that the Moderators would be monitoring postings often enough that we would likely not need to highlight any that needed a Rogers response.  But that could also be done.




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