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Your Evolution of Wireless

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

You’re invited to share your own “evolution of wireless” pictures.So dust off the photo album and get those pics scanned and uploaded!


I’ll kick it off with a photo from the Rogers archives. Can’t wait to see your brick phones, flip phones, PDAs and vintage BlackBerry pics!




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Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

My first Rogers phone was using AMPS (Analog) Technology.  I dont even think we had Call Display either.  I had both the motorola flip which everyone wanted, and i also had a uniden model before that. 


Then TDMA became big, I was a big fan if Nokia, using the 5160, 8260 and 8860.


Back then, people actually used phones for a good 2-3 years, not like today where people get bored and buy a new one 3 months later.


Then GSM came out I was first to jump onto the technology and got some small motorola phone, it only had 1900 at the time too, no 850.  I can list every gsm phone ive owned but ive owned a LOT, so i am going to keep this post short.

I still have my first ever rogers sim card, it was yellow.

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Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I plan to stick around

lol Gina that's the "Zack Morris" phone! 


Ohhhh man I think I was part of that era in my highschool years where teenagers were moving from pagers to cell phones. And if you had this phone, you were definitely classified as "one of the cool kids" lol



Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

I was almost cool then cause I had that Nokia but with a little antenna.

Thanks for contributing to the Evolution of Wireless Melly Smiley Very Happy

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I'm a senior advisor
I had one of these puppies.. Or something similar.. Snake what a great game!

Sadly I paid less and had more features... What has happened?

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Chris - that's the one! I remember finding out that google could forward your email as a txt so I could get my really important msgs! By then I had a different phone though. Probably the Motorola Krazor.

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I'm a senior advisor

My next phone was this sweet puppy 

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I plan to stick around
Lol Chris the moto razr was like "iPhone" at it's time. It was the hottest phone and everyone who had it were considered the "ish"

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I'm a senior advisor

lol thats why I got one... It fit in my pocket so well... I actually had a different morotola phone in between it and the nokia I just can't remember what exactly it was... Come to think of it it was probably a clamshell type samsung...


Found it: 


But it was the olympic edition:


Sorry Rogers I was a Bell customer at the time...

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I plan to stick around
Yea back then when everyone had it, my bf got it and i was the one who was always trying to convince him that "the other" phone was the better phone. Till this day, we have the same argument but with different phones. He has an iphone 4 and i have an Android lol.

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

My first Rogers phone was using AMPS (Analog) Technology.  I dont even think we had Call Display either.  I had both the motorola flip which everyone wanted, and i also had a uniden model before that. 


Then TDMA became big, I was a big fan if Nokia, using the 5160, 8260 and 8860.


Back then, people actually used phones for a good 2-3 years, not like today where people get bored and buy a new one 3 months later.


Then GSM came out I was first to jump onto the technology and got some small motorola phone, it only had 1900 at the time too, no 850.  I can list every gsm phone ive owned but ive owned a LOT, so i am going to keep this post short.

I still have my first ever rogers sim card, it was yellow.

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I plan to stick around
It's ok Pauly this is "your evolution of wireless " thread! Share share! I'm interested in all the GSM devices you've owned lol.

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I've been here awhile

Here is my first cell phone. I still have it. Its a Nokia 101. It didnt have games, It didnt text message, All it did was make and recieve phone calls. I bought it in 1995.


Current phone and my first.




Sorry I cant figure out how to the embed photots.

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)
Hey Melly -

Your Zack Morris comment was quoted on Redboard 🙂

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I plan to stick around
Awesome! I wish I owned the "Zack Morris phone" lol. That's legendary

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I'm a senior advisor
I wish I had a picture but I remember one Canada day when my friends dad was on-call for work and the "mobile" phone he was given was a giant backpack with a 5ft antenna and a cord to a big handset.. At the time it was the coolest thing ever.. Now I just wish I had a picture so we could look back and laugh....

Re: Your Evolution of Wireless

I plan to stick around

My first cell phone was something like this one from "Cantel AT&T"


Ericsson Hotline was advertised as the first digital phone... only to find out later on that it wouldn't be compatible.


Currently can't  wait to ditch my iPhone 3G for a dual core Android beast!

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