Ask an Expert: Roam Like Home
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Forum Posts

Resolved! How is Roam Like Home billed?

I have a question about "Roam Like Home" billing charges.    If my billing period begins on the 8th of the month and I am travelling to the U.S. on the 2nd returning on the 20th, how is my bill calculated.   Thanking you in advance for your quick res...

bmw18 by I've been here awhile
  • 8 replies

Resolved! Ipad activation for roam like home?

How to activate roam like home on iPad ... Do you have to call rogers or which app can I use to send the text to 222? I have a share everything plan and have activated my phone already. Ipad has 3G / LTE. Thanks!     ***Edited Labels.***

Myab by I've been visiting
  • 3 replies

Resolved! activation

if i am planning on travelling to the states do i have to activate roam like home or does it enrol me automatically?   ***Edited Labels.***

dyzoo by I like it here
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Resolved! Multiple Phones on the Share Everything plan using their phones in the US Simultaneously

  Is it $5/day per phone that is using the Share Everything plan in the US?   For example If Mom, Dad and Child all have phones on the same Share Everything plan, and we are all in the US on a family trip,   If we all use our phones will the account ...

ICYMI: Roam Like Home Ask an Expert Event

On Nov. 20th 2014  Donavan Beth, Dir. Roaming and Value Added services at Rogers, was on hand to answer the community's questions about Roam Like Home.       If you would like to view any of the discussions check out the archived event here:  http:/...

Resolved! How Much Does $5 Get You?

Sorry for showing up late.   I understand the Roam Like Home service costs $5 a day. How much voice / text / data does $5 give me in a day?      ***Edited Labels.***    

BhuDeo_ by I'm here a lot
  • 2 replies

Ask an Expert: Roam Like Home - WELCOME

We are excited to launch Roam Like Home!  There's been a few questions so far in the Community about Roam Like Home so we are hosting an Ask an Expert event with @RogersDonavan.   @RogersDonavan will be on hand to answer your questions November 20th ...

Ask an Expert: Roam Like Home - GUIDELINES

Here are some guidelines to keep the event running smoothly.  As always, our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use apply.   1. Start a new thread for each question.  This way, we don't have to worry about questions getting hidden in conversation or m...
