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Rogers-EXT Implementation

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

As @Rayg has previously posted:


"Thought this would be good and its simply a disaster for me because Rogers-ext comes in and out at my house. I get several texts a day telling me about this wonderful New service and jump from the old crappy Rogers signal to 4 bars of Roger-ext back to horrible all day long.  Idea is good but Implementation is horrible for users at home in an zone with weak signal.  Plus after calls to support they won't listen or do anything about it." 


"I'm not alone and this is not a trivial issue.  I'd like to have someone from Rogers say they escalated and that is really the shame here not the fact I have not responded to some of the work arounds."


How would you be able to address this concern?
Original Post: Here



Re: Rogers-EXT Implementation

Product Manager
Product Manager

@Rayg We have determined that some customers are receiving more welcome SMS messages than intended and we are actively working to resolve this issue.  In terms of your handset swtiching back and forth between networks, your device will only connect to the Ext network when it is unable to connect to the Rogers network.  When on the Ext network your device will periodically search to see if the Rogers network is available and attempt to switch over.

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