My cell phone signal strength over Rogers LTE is poor... on average it's -120 dBm 20asu. Let me know if there's any way I can receive better cell service from Rogers... I have a android cell that I purchased from Rogers in February 2019
RogersMaudeNot true. After more than 20 years of being a loyal Rogers customer I cancelled my wireless business service (First dealt with Charlie Hoffman in 2000). The business account representative worked out the approximate amount I would owe and...
Hi Maude,Have received the following patches since beginning of new year :*ACU282 - Jan 5, 2021 Android Security Patch Level Rec'd Jan 28.21*ACU375 - Android Security Patch Rec'dFeb 10.2021
Hi Laura,I just referred to Rogers' OS Upgrade Schedule and the latest update and ir is not ont he Feb schedule:ACU375 Feb 5.2021 Security Update for BlackBerry BF100-2