Yep...that was our quoted price also. We went with the competition as they wouldn't price match the new customer bundle they lost us,my father in law and 2 other customers just in our cul de sac. There's no logic in this price scheme.Now t...
I was with Rogers for 8 years,father in law 20 years...we live in a duplex and we got tired. Rogers had our business but as the service was getting worst,internet machine stating up to 500mbps giving 40 download and 11 upload speeds was not enough wi...
Yes all companies are this way.For the modem,i upgraded 3 years ago to this one and the mbps went up by 10. Yes I can get 70mbps if I am plugged in the modem but who does that today in the era of wifi and 4k and smart TV. I have 40-45mbps prior and a...
I just renewed with Rogers on a bundle plan for 2 years.Now what is fasninating is how we,the members that have been loyal have absolutely no promo's well we have one which I was disqualified for even thow my internet 70 would've been upgraded to 150...
My current contract (bundle) was 3 years and was affordable..problem is where are the new contracts for existing customers?We seem to vanish after 2 or 3 years now or of no importance?!Promo 3 months I get it and don't want it!Stability for Rogers an...