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since ‎04-05-2023

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I was told my activation fees would be waived but it could take 2-3 bills. So when I was charged for them on my first bill ($270 total in activation fees for 4 lines), I had no choice but to pay it. Of course I can't just pay the plans only, otherwis...
Let's say it's a $30/month financing charge for the phone I upgraded to (aka $1 per day basically). But after 20 days, I return it (30 day return window if done online). Would I still be on the hook for paying those 20 days aka ~$20 worth? Or do I ge...
I did an upgrade online with live chat. Small business account if that matters. It's been less than 30 days and I want to return it. I called the specific number for phone returns 1-877-224-9832, explained I wanted to return it, and he said ok. He di...
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