I plan to stick around
since ‎03-17-2022

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I am with Rogers since 3+ years now. My current Rogers Ignite Internet plan contract is ending within a week and I was trying Rogers to advise me the best they can do. The price offered is higher than what carrytel is offering even without contract o...
I have Rogers internet and 1 pay as you go line converted to monthly talk and text. I was looking for some good offer from Rogers to move my other 2 wireless cell phone lines to Rogers but chat didn't yielded any results. If there are any, how do I e...
I have rogers since more than year. since 3 months my signal started fluctuating and freezing/audio cut. I sent an email to rogers to fix this. Got respone to raise a complaint via their normal channel. So i raised a complaint on chat Rogers Issue C1...
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