I have four computers with 2.5 GB NIC's. The Killer E3100G (2 systems) and Intel I226 T1 (2 systems). My Rogers connection has a download speed of around 2.5 Gbps. I use port 4 on the modem and I get proper speeds (approx 2.3 Gbps) when using the ...
Hello: I have the XB8 gateway with a 2 Gbps download speed at home. I connected port 4 (2.5GB) to my Home Business Switch and I'm getting proper speeds for some of my main computers that have 2.5 GB ethernet cards. I also have other devices connect...
I'm not happy that my Rogers box/cable installed outside my home could easily tampered be with. There is a small box similar to the following attached to my home:
I have a data vendor that sends me stock market data via both UDP and TCP. When sending UDP packets I have no issues and my speeds are good (30mbps +). However, there are times when they send me TCP packets and my download speed appears to be...
turns out the issue was clearly with the NIC's (Intel i226). Complete garbage as the latest Intel driver ( was . . They have a new one coming in Feb 2025 that is suppose to fix this. Instead I went out and purchased reliable ones and they...
Yes. I have all that already. I know about security options. I just want to know if I'm allowed to put conduit over the exposed cables that enters my home. that is all
Pauly: I could care less about how quick they would repair things. This is about security (see my previous post) and yes the "bad guys" are cutting cables in order to get into homes (security cameras won't work and potentially alarms). There is you...