I plan to stick around
since ‎01-29-2013

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I upgraded to Popular TV pkg on August 21st, I was told at that time I would have Disney Plus Free and would receive and email in 7 days with a link (not sure why the long time period to wait for this) but I did not receive an email on Sept 1st. I ex...
I've been having an issue with one channel stuttering constantly. Its CBS and its the only channel that is doing this everyday. It will at time have lines through it as well. I've done all I can on my end to try to stop it but nothing has worked. Why...
We have had issues for weeks with our TV screen freezing, turning black and going off and on. Our first thought was we needed a new HDMI cord, we have since replaced this cord 3 times!!!! To no avail ! The TV will work for awhile but then it starts d...