Hello! I purchased an iPhone 7 in 2016 and I am eligible for the Apple throttling class action but to register I need to input the serial number of my iPhone. I bought it from Roger’s and I could find the maintenance agreement pdf which in principle ...
Recently work was done in my area to "improve the Rogers network" since then I am seeing values of upload much smaller than I have assigned. Shoudl be 50 Mbps and I am getting between 10 and 30 at peak hour (from 6pm to 12am) and around 45 outside.
Hello! I have a bridged Ignite router for internet service and I use an ASUS router. When the modem is turned of and turned on again, my windows computer never thinks it has lost internet, and when the modem is back on and connected all services fail...
Hello, I have been experiencing periodic internet losses with my ignite gateway. it is in bridge mode and I use my own router but about once every other week I lose internet while the gateway stays in solid white and I only regain internet by restart...
Hello! I thought I'd mention here that I have been trying to activate cellular service for a new apple watch and I get the weirdest errors: when I go through the app, first I don't get a query whether I want to include the apple watch in my share eve...
Unfortunately it did not work. The phone (from 2016) is no longer listed under my Apple devices on Apple IDCalling Apple is the first thing I did abs they told me I need to check the original bill of sales or invoice.In the document I got from Roger’...
This is very helpful and informative. Thanks @Datalink and @-G- I rebooted midday yesterday and now I got this Channel IDUnerrored CodewordsCorrectable CodewordsUncorrectable CodewordsCM Error Codewords61234578910111213141516171819202122232425262728...
Thank you very much for the detailed response. This is helpful and I have a bunch of follow up questions.-first I can tell you that during rush hour I have also tested the system with only one computer hardwired and disconnecting everything else and ...
Just wanted to add that I’m seeing exactly the same for my upload (going down from 50mbps to 5-20 in the evenings up until 2am. I am in Waterloo and it started happening since I received messages that they were upgrading the local fiber network. Call...
Hey, just following up on this. I seem to be on the same boat and rogers can't determine what's going on (also in Ontario). Did you ever get it solved? My issue is only with the upload speeds. Download is great as well as ping but getting very low up...