Anyone know why :I reset my ignite modem/router. I disabled my 2gh and left my 5gh on , when I relogged in ignite the 2gh wifi was re enabled by itself ? Yes I saved the settings before I logged out.
It would be nice to have Multi-factor authentication to log in to Ignite Router/Modem , as I have had someone not from my home change the password for the login. It has happened 2 or 3 times now so I have to reset modem to get access..
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My bill was to be paid by Feb 8 2023 , so on Feb 8 2023 I logged in to pay my bill and voila I already have a late payment charge on my bill . . Rogers you give a date to be paid and before I have a chance to pay the bill on that date you add a...
rogers cell phone SMS Multi-factor authentication not working. It is turned on in MY Rogers account but I never receive a SMS code when logging in ?
Thanks for the read, I just found it odd that the hidden SSID's have a better signal strength than my usable Wi Fi. And also not sure if other hidden SSID's were interfering with my usable Wi Fi , because my phone keeps losing Wi Fi connection wh...
I'm resetting the Gateway online ,on laptop i will try Xfinity app on phone . Although i have checked it the last 2 days and it now seems to be staying off . thanks for your input..
yes I have done a full factory reset, changed SSID , changed password as strong as it can be ,scan for malware regularly. It usually is fine for a couple of days to a couple of weeks then modem password changes again , then i just start all over ...